Final Compress

Before you talk to an elected official or even to a politician, it is imperative that you have done your research towards their platform and interests in advance. This should not be a problem for there are many ways on how this can be done like checking their social media or visiting their website.

Through this, it will give idea on what and what not to talk about. For instance, the mayor is so passionate about education and thus, you can set your discussion on education policy. It is best as well to follow other elected officials and politicians on social media to be able to stay up to date with what they’re doing. This will also include lieutenant governor, the governor, congressmen, senators, local representatives and the likes.

Make an Impression

When you meet the politician at last, make sure to have a brief and concise introduction.

Following the previous topic, you can introduce yourself as Hi, I’m (your name) and a graduate of (your school)”. Just remember to tailor your introduction with the topic you want to discuss.

Study about Laws and Bills

If there’s a current law or bill that’s on the works, that is a great topic to talk about. You’d never have dead air when talking to the politician if you are well aware about it.