Politics Need Lashes Entrepreneurs
The fact that the general scepticism towards the economy is growing in society is alarming. Politicians often see the economy as arrogant, lacking in solidarity and homeless. The reproach of the economy against the politicians is partly reciprocal: insufficient leadership, lack of expertise, provinciality.
Lash extension business leaders have a social responsibility
The premade fans lashes company’s social responsibility is to increase its profits. This is still analytically and ethically correct. This prosperity comes from companies that generate profits, invest, and create and maintain jobs. But what applies to companies does not apply to entrepreneurs, managers and shareholders. As citizens and as social beings, you are required to take responsibility towards society. This obligation applies even more to entrepreneurs and managers than to ordinary citizens because of their power and economic potency.
Political engagement is in the interests of lash extensions business
Actually, the political commitment of managers and entrepreneurs at all levels and in all forms should be a matter of course. After all, they cannot be indifferent to the framework in which they operate. Continuous engagement and the defence of economic interests on the political floor are also cheaper in the long run than expensive election campaigns.
Politics and lash extensions economy
There is a tendency towards professionalization in politics, particularly at the national level. Entrepreneurs who are politically active are increasingly becoming a minority. The reasons for this decline are diverse. The more hectic world of work with globalization, the growing proportion of foreign executives, changed family structures and very extensive media monitoring. In addition, when selecting executives, specific specialist skills often play too much of a role.
Politics and lash extensions economy should pull together
Of course, the economy is not a homogeneous entity. There is the larger, largely domestically oriented part, the trade, many small service providers, many smaller companies, including those that export. And there is the really globalized part, the big companies that manufacture in many countries, and the medium-sized companies that export halfway around the world and thereby develop a different, global perspective.
All in all, when it comes to trust, it is always about people. Only the business leader, who at the same time has an interest, empathy and perhaps even skills for politics and the community, is a good manager. He is a good manager for the company he leads and for the society in which he lives.