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Patent your own Software

Are you a programmer and have programmed your own software using flutter app templates and you are now wondering how you can (leave) it? Is there a patent for software? Who is entitled to the software if it was created for the employer? What if open source elements have been implemented?

Various ways to protect software

Self-programmed software is intellectual property. This is protected by various laws. Thus, copyright protection is considered. In some cases, a patent for the software is possible. In addition, software can be protected by trademark and competition law. Last but not least, protection by means of contracts with licensees is also conceivable.

Copyright protection

Section 2 (1) No. 1 copyright law (UrhG) stipulates that computer programs may be protected works within the meaning of copyright. The prerequisite for this is that these are “personal spiritual creations”, Section 2 (2) of the UrhG. This means that a work must have a certain form. The mere idea of a program is not protected. It must also be a “creation”. This ensures that not every small programming immediately gains copyright protection.

Everything that is not trivial is protected.

The bar is thus set relatively low (so-called “small coin”). For example, in object-oriented programming, individual classes can already enjoy copyright protection. The great advantage of copyright protection is that it arises “automatically” (and accordingly free of charge) and does not have to be applied for first.

However, employees should be careful in the context in which they develop their own software. Paragraph 69 b of the UrhG provides that a computer program created by an employee in the performance of his duties or in accordance with the instructions of his employer is available for the sole economic exploitation of the employer. However, different items can be agreed in the employment contract.

Protection by patent law

In contrast to copyright, a patent is created through a formal application procedure, for example at the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA). This involves a considerable effort. In addition, the application for a patent is subject to a fee.

The subject-matter of protection is also different in the case of patents than in the case of copyright. All patents for inventions in the field of technology are granted, provided that they are new, are based on an inventive step and should be industrially applicable. “Programs for data processing equipment”.

Programming as such cannot therefore be patented. A computer program is at most patentable if it provides a technical contribution to the state of the art as a whole. This is the case if the software triggers a technical effect or directly controls data processing hardware.

Protection by trademark law

A simpler and more pragmatic way is to register a trade mark. This also costs money. However, registration is achieved relatively quickly and easily. In particular, the application for registration should be well thought out as to which goods or services the trade mark is to be registered for. In addition, there must be no absolute obstacles to protection (Section 8 of the Trademark Act). Before registering the trade mark, it is essential to carry out a trade mark search in order to check whether the registration may infringe existing trade marks.

In addition to trademark registration, the use of a software name may already give rise to a work title protection within the meaning of Section 5 (3) of the Trademark Act. The protection of the title of the works creates similar claims as in the case of a registered trademark (in particular omission and damages).

Protection through contractual design

All of the above protection mechanisms are in place without the software developer and the violator being in a contractual relationship. The developer (with the exception of the UWG claims) has so-called absolute rights, i.e. rights that can be asserted against anyone.

When distributing software, of course, it is also possible to include in the license agreements conditions, which are intended to protect the developer. These are usually accompanied by contractual penalties in the event of an infringement. When formulating such regulations, it is important to keep an eye on the general terms and conditions as this sometimes sets very narrow limits with regard to the admissibility of individual clauses. A GTC already exists if a pre-formulated clause is to be used several times by the user.


The Politics of Access to Public Pools

Kids swimming in a public swimming pool


A mother-of-three has been denied entrance to some Sydney pool as a result of its policy of a single adult for every child aged under six.

Reminding parents in these duties, Royal Life Saving Australia head Justin Scarr said, “lifeguards aren’t babysitters swimming pools aren’t day-cares.”

It’s true, drownings may and do happen at pools. Lively oversight means focusing most of your attention on your own kids constantly, if they’re in, on, or across the drinking water.

But using a little institutional and policy support, we make it much easier for unmarried parents to go to the neighborhood pool with kiddies in tow.

Our research progress suggests an organization named Surfing Mums, societal networking handled by and for females, might supply an educational example.

Pools Aren’t just for swimming

In Australia, people private pools are significant public resources. Their importance as community retreats is frequently bemused before people hear about plans to close them reduce their financing.

The typical Australian visits a neighborhood swimming longer than four days each year – this figure is equivalent to more than 100-million visits yearly.

For women and kids, swimming is still one of many popular forms of bodily exercise.

And people pools aren’t only for swimming laps. Many also contain pools, river rides and waterslides and wave pools, hydrotherapy pools, and water squirt grounds. Little wonder, then, swimming and other water activities are climbing very popular for game, fitness, rehab, and fun.

Publicly financed pools will also be essential websites for societal belonging and connection. For those who live independently or spend long periods in your home with children, without adult talk, the swimming pool is an important portion of societal and physiological life. Unless they have their own pools with pool fencing at home.

For women with kids, physical activity is very essential, especially postpartum. Swimming after pregnancy can help restore muscle tone. In addition, it boosts strength and energy, which might be sapped after childbirth and pregnancy.

But how people could be your people pool?

Historically, woman’s entrance to freedoms in those community spaces was tightly regulated and mediated by segregation and ideas of modesty. As an instance, a woman’s floral dress has been highly regulated to guarantee decorum and propriety. Significant restrictions were positioned on where and when women are able to bathe.

While proper restrictions with the sort no more exist, usage and access for a number of women to these public spaces may be limited.

We will need to locate new techniques to create it a lot simpler for mums and dads to access the pool and be sure that they could have a swim too.

Thus, in light of this very obvious demand for busy oversight, just how do pools boost the joys of swimming, considered by most within an Australian birthright?


ALSO READ: Pokemon Game Is Like Democracy


‘Surfing mums’ at the swimming pool

Perhaps local authorities and commercial swimming operators can find a thing or 2 out of Surfing Mums, also a social media manufactured by two dads who fulfilled regularly to obey one another’s kids as one additional curricular.

Surfing Mums is similar to a playgroup, but with benefits such as full public liability insurance and association with the body, Surfing Australia.

The “surf switch” system finds mums from the category partner up with another. While you supervise the kiddies, another goes to get surf and they swap.

When found at a pool setting that this swap system will ensure kids are supervised in any way times, thereby meeting Royal life saving and country policies and policies.

The mature supervising kids could be identified with means of a hat and also a brightly colored shirt and wouldn’t go into the water children as the swap has been in advance.

This means miscommunications about oversight, defined as being a contributing element to drowning deaths, may be redressed.

Creative approaches might improve accessibility

The outcome? Active supervision of kids, safe pool access, and enjoyment for both their loved ones, while parents benefit from the physiological benefits of swimming supplies.

While chief supervision by means of this system is attention, there might also be chances to deliver mothers with crucial knowledge and knowledge applicable to secondary drowning avoidance through learning resuscitation and life-saving skills.

For authorities at all levels, this type of initiative could possess far-reaching positive aspects, especially at linguistically and culturally diverse inhabitants where swim safety skills in many cases are less developed.

Even a pool-swap style system may not function as the sole or last answer. But creative strategies that empower oversight, friendships, and connection only could help keep us afloat.



Pokemon Game Is Like Democracy

As one of the locals who moved by their own will, they showed their political intention by “voting by foot (movement)” from rural areas to urban areas, which cannot be changed by “voting by hand (election)”. I think it can be said that there is. I think that the influx of young people into urban areas is itself a voting behavior. In that sense, I feel that there is room for consideration as a system that gives suffrage in the local politics of the place of origin to people from rural areas who have moved to urban areas to support change. Tax reduction is one of the main themes of the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement because the tax is the number one pipe connecting politics and voters. What’s more, we must also note that we use our wealth ourselves rather than surrendering it to the government as a tax. But unfortunately, it is now obligatory to pay taxes, and it is a straightforward idea to discuss only how to use it, or to raise taxes because there is not enough money.

In Japan, there is something called an organization vote, and I think that many people generally recognize it as something bad, but they have a very deep understanding of democracy. In other words, we are making good use of democracy. Make good use of it, organize it, collect votes, and win the election like ‘Pokemon Fire Red cheats’. And you reflect your political will in politics. I think that understanding democracy and interest in politics are different. So in that sense, the current system may not fit the current values. So I think it’s important to change the election system. I think the reason why silent majority occurs is that the system is not suitable. The important thing is to make an effort to create a system that reflects the intentions of the silent majority people in the policy. I think it’s okay to go beyond the framework of the current system and think like, “Then, why don’t you try to create a new Diet?”

Politicians are the same as Pokemon, and if the level of voters who are trainers is low, the level of Pokemon will not rise and they will not listen. If you want to control politicians, you have to get stronger voters. I think this is an important structure of democracy. And what I want to convey most in this analogy is that, like Pokemon, “you have to grow up with love.” I think this story is the original model of democracy, but in Japan, it’s more like Yo-Kai Watch. Youkai can only be seen by those who have a watch. In other words, there are many people who cannot see it. So, youkai don’t listen to what they say once in a while. It’s more like a friend than a master-slave. Rather, youkai are better than youkai. What’s more, you play pranks on people other than the ones you can see. I think this is close to the relationship between politicians and voters in Japan. I think Japan should also be a Pokemon type.

Also, Pokemon has various attributes. It’s this. If this is all a Charmander, the game won’t work. It’s interesting because it’s diverse, and it’s interesting because there are strong and weak ones. Diversity is important in a democracy, and it is correct to fight and raise the level.


Don’t Apply Politics To Music

Music is closely related to politics. Music is used for both regime and anti-system. This is historically clear. Nevertheless, why has the relationship between music and politics become such a problem in modern Japan?

It is thought that there are special circumstances in postwar Japan. Even in Japan, people were aware of the connection between music and politics until around 1970, when there was security for 70 years. Revolutionary songs and work songs, as well as old-fashioned military and patriotic songs, were also relatively well known.

However, with the rapid progress of consumer society since then, many people have become able to lead a prosperous and stable life without thinking deeply about politics. Along with that, bringing politics into music was regarded as “dumb” and “obsolete,” and the politics of songs, pops, and anime songs disappeared.

Should the artist express a political stance?
Since the Corona shock overwhelmed the country, many “political statements” have been made, including criticisms of inadequate government measures and opposition to the revision of the Public Prosecutor’s Office bill, which was about to be passed under a state of emergency. It originated from various people. Sometimes referred to as “hashtag activism”, they include not only those who have been sending “political remarks” on the Internet for some time, but also ordinary people who call themselves “moderate” and entertainers. Involving celebrities was visualized as an online “exercise” rarely seen in recent years.

In such a situation, some discourses such as “I’m sorry you make a political statement” or more directly “Don’t make a political statement” are thrown and refuted, especially to entertainers. It has been often observed that skirmishes are occurring frequently among those who agree with what they do. On the other hand, as a reverse development of this situation, “musicians and other expressors should express their political stance,” and in turn, expressions that escape from politics from beginning to end with everyday-oriented expressions.” There are some claims that “I should be despised.”

The purpose of this article is to add a critical review to it. Naturally, as experts have already argued in various places, I contribute to the idea that “everyone, entertainer or anyone, has the same right and freedom to speak and act politically.” However, I don’t think that “everyday-oriented expressions are an escape from politics and should be despised.” Looking back, even before the recent corona storm, there was a tendency to ridicule “personal life” and the attitude of sublimating it into expression, along with words such as “careful living” and “life maintenance”. I think.

However, many of these expressions must have a critical perspective on society, which cannot be simply dismissed as an “escape from politics and society.” That is why the discourse that “expressors should express a political stance” has a sense of crisis in trying to “summary” various expressions in a transcendental manner. I would like to discuss while thinking about what the criticism of excellent expressions rooted in “personal life” and “every day” is. What is the modern dawn of “every day” and “personal” expressions in the music culture of this country? To think about it, we must, after all, consider the folk movement that emerged from the late 1960s and its development.


Be Careful When Making Prankdial

Bored to tears? Want to have bit of laugh? Making a prankdial or prank call might just be the fun that will lift your boredom. To put it simply, a prankdial, better known as prank call, is mischievous or playful phone call intended to trick or annoy the receiver of the call. If done the proper way, prank call s can be funny and give a good laugh.

A prank call is a practical joke that can really be hilarious. However, if you aren’t careful about this trick, you may get yourself into trouble with the law and may even get arrested. Yes, there are laws that involve prank calls which could lead to you getting arrested. Harassment is most likely the criminal law that will apply in terms of making prank calls. But, depending on the area you live in, other laws apply to prank calls such as wiretapping, disorderly conduct, and also hate crimes. Hence, when you decide to prank call someone, make certain it is wholesome and that you aren’t rude or cause any distress to the receiver.

Prank Calls – Don’t Ge Yourself Into Trouble

With that, let’s have a look at some of the ways this practical joke could possibly get you into trouble and/or arrested:

  • HARASSMENT. When prank calling, you should know where to draw the line between being funny and causing harassing, unlawful prank calls. Generally, it may not be illegal to phone somebody late at night only to say something senseless or stupid. But, if you begin to call multiple times in a day, or make aggressive and threatening statements, then you might be in violation of the law.
  • DISORDERLY CONDUCT. In numerous states, disorderly conduct involves the use of abusive, rude or offensive language that is intentional in order to provoke or stir anger and ire in others. In terms of prank calls, they can constitute to disorderly conduct. Just like harassment, the phone call usually has to be more serious, such as verbal abuse as well as other belittling conduct, than a simple senseless practical joke.
  • WIRETAPPING. In numerous sates, it is unlawful to make a recording of any phone conversations especially if no consent is given by the other party. However, many people, teens in particular, aren’t aware of this that they record the prank call to hopefully record some funny conversation and be able to share it with other people. It is important to know that recording any phone conversation may tantamount to a felony.

Bottom Line

Prank calls can be funny. However, make certain that you know your limitations when making a prank call so as not to cause others distress, harm or anger as well as not get yourself into trouble with law or be arrested.


No Room For Dirty Politics During This Pandemic

During these uncertain times we do not want dirty politics and games. We are all experiencing difficult times and there’s and our priority is to survive and meet our day to day needs. Politics was a medium in which people expressed and identified themselves. However, politics now is used to define others moral character. Because of bad political decisions, rallies and protests are organizing to defy these decisions. People express their disapproval and objection towards these political decisions. Mass demonstrations are organized to voice out how the public feels.

The priority of every government around the world is how to deal with this ongoing public health problem and the economic crisis we are experiencing. We should learn to work together. It’s important that we learn the value of listening and communicating with each other. Our government officials should learn these traits as well. There is no room for pride. They should learn to work hand and hand to help stop this crisis. However, it is sad to note that political rifts are created even during these times. Different political parties argue on their respond to the pandemic. We shouldn’t be divided because of different political parties. We should all unite and work as one people. Despite our political differences we should learn to work together. We have to work towards a better world reaching common grounds during these uncertain times.

Union Minister Smriti Irani slams congress for dirty politics over COVID-19 crisis


Most of all we do not need useless politicians during these times. Many politicians are known for being corrupt and unbecoming. This is not want the public wants during this pandemic. It’s something unforgivable to do. For many politicians, this has been a routine. They are used to doing this. This has been a character of many politicians for ages. Because of the abuse of power, it continues even now. It is unforgiving if politicians will be doing this during these difficult times. It is a selfish act, but still many of them would not care.
Politicians should always prioritize the oath they took to serve the nation and not to fill their own pockets with the people’s money. They should embrace their position with dignity and compassion. Politicians should be the one serving the public. They should be models in our society whom people should admire and follow. Be more admirable by toning your body. Read more on: https://www.solbasium.com/products/massage-gun



Understanding The Process of Impeachment?

The trending news circulating now is the impeachment of President Donald Trump

The US Constitution allows the Congress to oust a president before their term. The Congress would vote and determine if the incumbent President committed one of the following acts like, treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. They see impeachment as a political rather than a legal process. And politics play a vital role in its congressional decision when it comes to impeaching a political leader.

In the United States a total of three presidents have already been impeached. President Andrew Johnson in the year 1868, Bill Clinton in 1998 and the latest, President Donald Trump, year 2020.  President has been first impeached because he was charged to abuse his power and obstruction of Congress. His second impeachment were based on the charges of incitement of insurrection. The two earlier presidents were acquitted and finished their terms as the highest political leader in America.  Donald Trump was the first ever US President was the first one to be impeached twice during his term. One US President, Richard M. Nixon resigned from his position to avoid being impeached.

Donald Trump impeached for inciting insurrection – BBC News

The term high crimes were adopted from a common law of the British tradition. This was based on the act of removing crowned officials who abuses their power. This was practiced for centuries.

When the three presidents were impeached, The Committee, The House Judiciary, responsible in carrying out the process investigates and recommends the articles of impeachment which will be presented to the full House.

The full House then casts their votes on the Articles of Impeachment. If at least one of the articles gets a majority vote the president will then be impeached. This is typically the same from being indicted.

The next process is when the proceedings is advanced to the Senate in which a trial is done which is overseen by the Chief Justice of the United States of America. A team of lawmakers coming from the House, take their role as prosecutors. They are also called Managers. The senate votes and if at least two thirds of the senators find the president guilty of the crime, he will be removed from office and Vice president automatically becomes the president. No appeal can be made. The news on Donald Trump’s impeachment are all over YouTube. Be sure to download an ad blocking app when watching videos. Learn more: https://youtubevanced.com



Your Office needs a Good Kitchen Design

Innovative and innovative businesses pay particular attention to the interior layout of the office spaces. They are aware that a stimulating environment contributes to inspired, engaged and, finally, more productive workers.

Everybody should have a rest from work. These trips can be relaxing and relaxing whether there’s a designated shared kitchen, or even bistro, which can be designed particularly to benefit and ease your workers.

Keep in mind a few factors when planning your workplace masterpiece:

Workflow: Consider how your workers will use the room. Are they cooking and preparing meals? There’s a natural method to self-serve meals of cooking, preparation, serving, then cleansing. As soon as you understand the prerequisites, you may begin to plan fittings and design (the upcoming factors, continue reading).

If they’ll be storing meals, you might need a couple of refrigerators. You will probably require a few microwaves but added cooking appliances may incorporate a stove, toaster, toaster and coffee maker. And remember a dishwasher for cleaning up; you will need two based on the quantity of dirty dishes in order that they do not wind up on the counters or at the sink. Make a decision as to what appliances you’ll need and what size each ought to be you can work them in the design.

Design : Now you have a listing of appliances, you are able to design a floor plan which takes the essential appliances under account. You’ll have to plan to get a sink and might have to enhance your appliance list if space does not allow for whatever that you wish to match in. You also should think about how much dining room it is possible to supply also. It is truly a balancing act to find out the ideal allotment of dining and kitchen room.

Cabinets and Furniture: Time to consider lighting, counter area, chairs, dining surfaces, cabinets and drawers. The light ought to be clear over the food prep area at least, however, you most likely need to maintain the entire area bright in order that break time does not turn into nap time. Check www.ponfish.com for good quality appliances.

Decoration: Ultimately, you are able to polish off the space and add some design. Given the flexibility of this workplace kitchen, it is a fantastic chance to incorporate your brand to the decoration or decorate your company culture with a exceptional theme and layout.

The inside layout attempts on your office kitchen may pay off in dividends. It is a break time collecting location, an after work hangout, along with a practical area to eat dinner. It helps foster community among your employees and may be utilized as a”city hall” meeting place or impromptu workgroup area. Think about getting your workers engaged with the designing procedure; it’s an excellent chance to receive them call with a physical addition to their job environment.

1 thing is sure: workers expect their office to facilitate their requirements beyond their desk and also be conducive to both social and work growth. Rethinking your workplace interior layout is a excellent way to demonstrate you know.


Political fashion: Fabulous Dou

Do you wonder what politics and fashion have to do with each other? Much more than you think! You can use an internet downloader for videos you want to see regarding fashion and politics.

Politics and fashion: now it’s getting colorful!

When politics find their way into fashion, things usually get colorful: a red T-shirt with the portrait of Che Guevara printed on it. The green-yellow-red wrist warmer for a hat with a hemp leaf and around her neck a pink Palestinian scarf. Fashion and politics make a fabulous duo.

Fashion in politics

At first glance, the two terms politics and fashion seem to have nothing to do with each other. But far from it! Angela Merkel gets the right outfit for every appearance with good reason, and the scarf with the black diced pattern around our neck is originally much more than just stylish. However, many are no longer at all aware of the meaning of their clothing and all the symbols that you carry around on and with you. However, this has not always been the case.

Fashion and Politics in History

Empress Eugénie de Montijo, for example, France’s last monarch, knew very well how important and, above all, what influence the clothes she had worn on politics. “Mes robes politiques” is what Eugénie called the silk dresses she used to advertise Lyon’s silk industry. And again in France, this time at the time of the First French Revolution, a headgear achieved political fame: the bright red Jacobin cap. Those who wore them clearly demonstrated that they belonged to those radical freedom fighters who forced the king to put on the red cap on June 20, 1792.

In the last few decades, fashion has become mostly political when people think of their wanting to express protest against something or someone or their membership in a certain group. Che Guevara’s portrait, which adorns countless T-shirts, was once the symbol of leftist independence and liberation movements.

Political Fashion: A Cultural Phenomenon

In recent years, the once explosive duo of fashion and politics has become a thoroughly cultural phenomenon that addresses your need for individuality as well as togetherness and identification.

The common interest in a certain genre of music, which in turn affects your style, unites you on the one hand and lets you believe in your own individuality on the other.


Forced Heirship in New Orleans

There are various laws existing in the United States of America but there are certain laws that only exist in specific states. One of these is the Louisiana Forced Heirship Law.

If you are planning to move to New Orleans, Louisiana bringing the fortune you have amassed, maybe you want to learn more about the <em>Four Key Concepts</em> of the Forced Heirship Law.
