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5 Things That Politician Websites Usually Do Wrong

Joe Biden


In this article, I’ll show you 5 ways your current website is likely to let you down and cost you the support of voters.

Plus, how you can avoid these mistakes?

If you’re like most other politicians, your website is probably the last thing you think about.

Although you know it’s important to convince undecided citizens and engage your existing supporters.

Take the time now for a short health check-up of your website. If you read this article and apply the tips, you will see:

  • More potential voters can find their way to your website – especially through Google Search and SEO (with 백링크 작업 or Backlink Operation).
  • Visitors to your website understand exactly what you’re doing and why they should choose and support you.
  • Instead of just browsing your website for a few minutes and then clicking away (without ever returning), your visitors will start a dialogue with you: and you can turn visitors into fans and supporters over time.

Mistake #1: Your website doesn’t set you apart from all the other politicians

Why should I vote for you of all people?

Stand out from other politicians

That is the crucial question.

Unfortunately, most political websites look exactly the same (I don’t necessarily mean the design itself): they speak the same language and have the same generic content such as press releases and political viewpoints.

Even if you think your website looks and communicates differently, for the average visitor who browses your site for 5 minutes, it probably looks exactly the same as everyone else.

Why is this important?

If your website doesn’t set you apart from the competition, visitors have no reason to contact or stay in touch with you.

If you are an interchangeable party representative, you will not convince undecided citizens or win new supporters.

How to do it better

The best websites of politicians I know always contain the following 3 points, which you should also show clearly:

  1. In which field have you specialized and do you know more than anyone else?
  2. What have you already achieved as a politician? With a case study that shows that you are clearly different from the competition. Or if you are running for the first time: What have you already achieved privately that you also want to apply in office?
  3. And most importantly, share useful and unique information on your website that encourages every visitor to get involved. Share background knowledge that can’t be found anywhere else. Let those affected tell their stories.

Mistake #2: Your website is “me, me, me” focused and full of political jargon instead of addressing the concrete needs of your constituents

Talk to your website about:

  • Your political points of view, arguments, and goals? Described in detail and in the same language as your proposals?

Or does she talk about:

  • The concerns and problems of your constituents and how do you specifically advocate for them? With simple language that is quickly understood by every visitor?

Probably the former, right?

This also makes sense, since you talk to political colleagues every day in this language to solve complicated problems.

In addition, very few politicians have studied sales psychology or marketing. Writing convincing texts is not in everyone’s blood.

Why is this important?

If your website only talks about your advances and goals in complicated language, most visitors will simply skip it and end up not being any smarter about why they should support you of all people.

On the other hand, when they land on your website and their own concerns and desires are addressed, they start nodding their heads and see you as the person who knows exactly what they want.

And if you then start describing the results you can achieve for them (rather than the way to get there, such as your competencies or political advances), then they will see you as the person who can solve their problems.

This change of focus (on them instead of on you) can turn a simple online brochure into a real visitor magnet!

How to do it better

The simple option: Hire a professional copywriter. A good copywriter is more than worth his money, as he knows exactly how the texts affect visitors and convince them.
The more difficult option: Improve your writing skills, for example with this “Learn to write better” e-book by Aurel Gergey.
Start writing! With a focus on your ideal voter, their concerns, desires, and values. This will completely change the emotions of your visitors. And more importantly, it also changes their behavior on your website!

Mistake #3: Your website is missing the social proof elements

What are these social proof elements anyway?

Unfortunately, there is no nice translation for the term. Translated, it means as much as social provenness. Basically, this means that other people confirm your statements:

What other people say about you is more important than what you say about yourself.

Why is this important?

Man is a social being. No one wants to stand up for something alone. The most effective way to overcome this hurdle is by simply showing that they are in good company with their support.

If you want to attract supporters, show satisfied supporters.

The trick is so common, even street musicians use it by putting some coins and bills in their hats themselves. But it works!

How to do it better

Here’s what you can do to make your website as trustworthy as possible:

  1. Insert the logos of all supporters on your website and create a page where you introduce all your partners: parties, associations, organizations, memberships, clubs, and companies.
  2. Ask real people like fellow politicians, supporters, and voters if they write a few sentences about you. To ensure that the personal recommendation looks real and has a lot of weight, give each person a face: photo, name, place of residence, and activity (including the link to the website, if available).
  3. Write a case study on your greatest successes: Which situation and problems did you tackle and have you solved? And more importantly, how did this specifically help the people who supported you? Nobody cares that you have pushed through tax reform. But you suddenly find yourself a hero when, thanks to this reform, a family of 4 can save 1,500 CHF in taxes every year.
  4. The supreme discipline is when you can get other people to tell their personal stories about how your work has helped them. Imagine if you only had 1-2 personal stories as Barack Obama has in their thousands.


ALSO READ: 5 Ways International Shipping Can Be Affected By Politics


Mistake #4: Your website doesn’t tell your personal story

As a politician, you are used to the fact that it often revolves around your person and you are in the public eye. But when it comes to their website, many politicians become quite impersonal and have only published their CVs.

The CV is interesting for journalists to look up, but bores most other visitors.

Why is this important?

People are curious. The “About Me” page is the most visited page on a website. Therefore, it is extremely worthwhile to optimize this page and tell your personal story convincingly.

People vote for people, not promises.

How to do it better

  1. You don’t have to (and shouldn’t) kick out your entire private life. The nice thing is that you can specifically choose 2-3 personal and suitable stories that explain your commitment and motivation as a politician.
  2. Pictures say more than a thousand words. Instead of the professional press photo, a more personal and authentic photo would be optimal.
  3. Since you have your visitor on the hook at this moment: Take the opportunity and remind him at the bottom of the page to contact you. Be it by registering in a newsletter, liking your Facebook page, or classically by e-mail.

Mistake #5: Your website only gives visitors one option to contact

When people come to your website, what do you want from them? What are the ways to contact us?

Many politicians limit themselves to the direct contact options with a contact form or by e-mail. Or expect the visitor to join the committee or make a donation during the election campaign.

In principle, it is absolutely right that these possibilities are offered. But that’s all there is to it in most cases. Which is a missed opportunity.

Why is this important?

95% of visitors to your website will not be willing to contact you, let alone support you. They are in the information phase and are looking at the candidates or have found their way to you based on an article.

So if the only contact options are those that most will not use… then the visitor will leave your website and probably won’t find their way back as quickly.

What if you could collect his contact information and contact him again in the next few weeks with more information?

You would have the opportunity to continue to build trust and regularly stay in his memory with current topics.

No, I don’t mean networking on modern social networks like Facebook, but the good old e-mail.

Why Facebook is not optimal

There are some politicians who have now seriously dared to approach social media. And also on this topic, I have planned many articles and tips, but here is a very brief explanation of why Facebook has no chance against a well-kept e-mail list:

Facebook wants your money!

What does that mean? If you share anything on Facebook, only between 10-15% of your fans will see it. Facebook intentionally reduces your reach.

Organic reach on Facebook: Depending on the topic of your posts and the number of fans you have. Source: edgeranker.com
In order for more people to see your posts, you’d need to advertise.

So you need a more reliable way to reach your fans and supporters. And that’s the classic email.

How to do it better

Here’s how you can proceed to get the email address of your interested visitors:

  1. You’ll need an email marketing service to collect visitors’ addresses and send them emails (Outlook isn’t an alternative). For example, I use MailChimp for this.
  2. On your website, you need to set up a registration box that interested parties can use to register.
  3. With the email marketing service, you can have each new newsletter subscriber send an automatic series of emails over a period of time. For example, you could report in an e-mail about the greatest successes of the last term of office. Or in another email about the most pressing issues, you will tackle once you are elected.
  4. Of course, you will not be able to reach and convince every single visitor with it. But the chance of bringing a potential supporter to your site through regular contact is many times higher than hoping that they will contact you on their own with a single visit to your website.

One’s Political Views And Relocating

There are different reasons why people decide to relocate. Some of the common ones include better job opportunities, closer distance to family or friends, and the want to start anew. On the other hand, among the uncommon reasons include having to do with one’s political views.

When it comes to political views and affiliation, it is less likely for Republicans and Democrats to live close to each other compared to generations ago. Bill Bishop, a journalist, wrote about this political segregation in his book entitled “The Big Sort,” suggesting that in the US, Americans are increasingly choosing to relocate to places where their neighbors have the same political views as them.

This, however, isn’t deliberate since gathered data suggests that people look for certain features when choosing a community to relocate to. These may be art galleries, thrift shops, indie coffee shops, or big box stores. It just happens that these features are what other conservatives or liberals like or enjoy as well. This argument is according to JP Prims, visiting lecturer of the University of Illinois from the department of psychology.

Ease the Stress of Moving, Hire an Expert Mover 

Regardless of the reason why people relocate, expect to have so much on your plate. Although you will eventually get the job done and move into your new place, you may find some of the demands of moving difficult to swallow as there are certain tasks that are better left to professionals. 

For instance, heavy, bulky furniture need to be transported. If you want to ensure each one of them reach the destination safely and free from damages, it is best to hire the services of a professional moving company or house removal firm.

In London, you can find an expert house removal company to aid you in your move. Not only will they transport your furniture and appliances securely and safely, but also dissemble them for the move and reassemble them in your new property.

Apart from heavy lifting and transportation, they too offer packing and unpacking services as an add on and/or as part of their all-inclusive package service. With this service, you lessen even more the stress of packing and unpacking all your belongings.

So as to find a reliable house removal company in London, doing your research is a must so you can make a comparison of all your possible choices. By filling in a form to provide details about your move, you will be matched to up to four movers in the area, narrowing down your search and making it much easier for you to make a comparison of the services and cost of their services. 

With their experience and know-hows about the ins and outs of moving, you will surely have a smooth and excellent overall moving experience.

Government, Office, Politics

The Air Conditioning in Public Offices and What Not to Do with it

Air conditioning is a necessity for many people, but not all of them know how to use it properly. It can be a big problem for the office workers or anyone who needs to spend time in an air-conditioned environment. The air conditioning can make people feel cold, hot, uncomfortable and even sick.

The following are some things that you should never do with your air conditioning unit in your office:

1) Never leave the door open when you’re running the AC unit

2) Never turn off the AC unit when you leave

3) Don’t turn off the fan if you’re using an oscillating fan

4) Don’t use an ice pack on your head while sitting at your desk

5) Don’t use one room’s AC unit to cool down another room

6) Don’t put your hands or anything with wet surfaces on the air conditioner

7) Visit professionals to book an immediate repair if needed

The Future of Air Conditioning in Public Offices

Air conditioning is a key part of the modern office environment. It can be used to regulate the temperature, humidity, and air quality in an office space. The introduction of new technologies has led to a range of new air conditioning options for offices.

Some buildings are now using geothermal energy to cool the building by pumping water underground and then circulating it through pipes in the building’s walls. This system is more environmentally friendly than traditional cooling systems as it doesn’t use any fossil fuels or release any greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

In addition, many buildings are now installing solar panels on their roofs that cools the building by absorbing heat from sunlight during the day and then releasing it at night when it is cooler outside.

How to Improve the Quality of Public Office Air Conditioning

The quality of office air conditioning can be improved by looking at the following five things:

1) The type of building,

2) The number of people in the office,

3) The amount and types of food consumed in the office,

4) The time spent at work, and

5) The use of any tobacco products.

Air conditioning is an important part of a building’s environmental system. It is the main factor in determining how comfortable the occupants feel and how productive they are.




Politics and External Factors

Businesses are vulnerable in many ways as they are at the mercy of the whims of external forces. These can be financial, political, technological, sociocultural or environmental in nature.

All of these factors have an impact on procurement ranging from price negotiation to trading to supplier management.

How External Factors Affect Procurement

The financial environment

The financial environment including economic performance has a significant impact on how buyers proceed with their procurement activities.

One of the biggest challenges related to the financial environment is currency fluctuations. If you buy at the right time, you have the chance of a high return. An investment at the wrong time, on the other hand, can lead to financial losses.

Banks’ policies also affect procurement departments as it controls inflation and investor behaviour. This, in turn affects cash flow.

Meanwhile, banks’ lending behaviour can also constrain procurement activity and shift the focus to cost savings when securing funding becomes difficult. In addition, a credit crunch often endangers smaller suppliers and thus increases the risk for buyers.

car wraps long island

Political changes

A change of government or changes in domestic politics or international relations can have a tremendous impact on who and how buyers do business.

At the national level, changes in government and political changes can lead to reforms in legal requirements. There will be changes in support measures and in the representation of companies. This affects how companies structure their supply chains. How well they comply with regulations on employment, tax, health and safety, ethics and quality assurance, and how their growth develops.

Internationally, severing ties with supplier countries can significantly affect trade dynamics, while opening a country to the free market opens up new opportunities and challenges. Similarly, a change of government or political shifts in other countries, regions and territories can present companies with whole new challenges in terms of compliance, financial and supplier management. Not to mention the disruption of supply chains in cases of political collapse, destabilization or revolts.

Procurement departments must keep pace with global political events and respond quickly to mitigate risk and maximize opportunity.

Technological progress

The technology landscape is constantly changing. Customers today expect companies to operate faster, be better connected and always offer them the latest developments.

Companies like car wraps long island need to keep track of the changes in the technological environment and how it affects their own company. From the products and services offered to the way buyers work with suppliers, technology is having a significant impact on procurement.

Politics, Technology

How Computing Technology Changed The Way Politics Ads Work

The digital age has changed the way politics work. It has transformed the role of politicians and journalists, as well as how they communicate with each other. This has had many positive effects: politicians can share their messages with much larger groups of people quickly, and journalists can receive information about what is going on in the world. However, the digital age has also brought a rise in fake news and misinformation.

This is because even though there are now more people targeted by political advertisements, that does not mean that there are more people that know about politics. In the United States, there have been many cases of political advertisements being used for negative purposes.

The level of knowledge about politics has been increasing in recent years, but this is because the number of people that are being targeted by political advertisements has been increasing. More people are now being targeted by political advertisements, which does not mean that people are becoming more knowledgeable about politics.

Read also: Business Advertising And Political Influencer Marketing On Instagram – Why Buy Instagram Likes?

How The Rise of Political Ads are Affecting our Lives?

The rise of political ads has been an alarming trend in the last few years. With more and more people getting their news from social media, the power of these ads is increasing.

The rise of political ads is not just affecting our lives, but also our privacy and personal data. We are allowing companies to collect data about us without even realizing it. The way we behave on social media can be used to target us with specific messages that we’re likely to respond to.

The use of social media has been around for a few years now, with Facebook being the primary source of information for many people. What started as a social networking site became more than that, and it started to become a news source. This is where political ads came into play.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Discord

What began as an attempt to get their message out in the digital space, is now being used as a tool for voter turnout. As the power of social media ads increases, companies are using it as a platform to influence voters.

Facebook is the primary source of information for many people and the rise of political ads is not just affecting our privacy and personal data but also our ability to stay up to date on current events. Discord, a new social media platform meant for gamers featured by Inverse Geek, is no exemption. Political ads have penetrated the platform and made influenced their members too.

The use of ads has led to the rise of fake news, which is now taking a toll on democracy by shaping opinions and ultimately, voting habits. Political ads are basically propaganda, but advertising is just one of its forms.


Software Makes Politics Measurable

The introduction of government analytics represents a paradigm shift in the public sector. Based on the data collected through eGovernment, it is now possible to measure and optimize the efficiency of political measures.

Software tools can make politics measurable

The aim is to make administrative processes more transparent and reduce bureaucracy. This means that what has long been common practice in the economy under the buzzwords big data and business analytics is finding its way into politics. The analysis technologies required have been available for some time. The awarding of grants is a particularly important and promising field of application.

Companies use real-time data analytics like application for admission software to measure the efficiency of their business processes. From the results of such business analytics applications, decision-makers can derive measures within a very short time. They optimize processes and ultimately contribute to greater competitiveness and more profits.


E-Government makes it possible

For a number of years now, eGovernment has created a structured electronic database on which government analytics can be based.

Companies that have developed the business analytics principle into a successful business model include big internet players such as Amazon. Through data collected across a wide range of purchases, Amazon automatically knows that customers who buy a washing machine also need a drying rack and laundry basket. Behind this are models and methods that can be used just as well in the public sector. For example, in order to infer a potential threat to the well-being of children from certain constellations.

Keep ethics in mind

One of the biggest barriers to the adoption of government analytics is defining ethical boundaries. A high degree of sensitivity is required when evaluating socio-political measures. It is technically and legally possible to combine data, for example, to predict the success of a rehabilitation measure. But it is precisely here that the question of moral justifiability arises.

In addition, you must take into account data protection aspects. Therefore, data protection officers must administratively and legally define exactly which data is to be collected.

If these barriers are broken down, government analytics has the potential to initiate a paradigm shift in the public sector. Expressed in abstract terms, political instruments can be evaluated in terms of their efficiency with the help of analytical tools and pattern recognition based on data.

As a result, decisions are no longer made on the basis of gut instinct. Government can make decisions on the basis of facts, which is referred to as evidence-based decision-making.

Politics, Technology

Social Media on Politics And Analysis of 2021 Federal Election

The massive increase in conversations around the topic “Bundestag elections” shows that the election campaign is in the hot phase – with an increase of over 100% in the last few weeks before election Sunday and a significant increase in mentions as election day approaches, there is clear public interest. This applies to both social media and online news.

A look at the evaluation of the top issues shows what moves people. Here we find both the major parties and chancellor candidates as well as formats such as the TV trill or scandals, surveys, and trends that have caused a particularly large number of public discussions.

Of course, the question still remains: How is the mood in the country? Across all channels, a rather critical picture emerges with a predominantly negative tonality, especially in online news, on Reddit, and in comment columns and forums.

However, an evaluation of the emotions and emojis expressed provides a glimmer of hope. Here, positive contributions predominate – which are probably due to supporting or advertising contributions or simply expressing people’s hope for a – in their eyes – positive outcome of the 2021 federal election.

Social Media Offers News 24/7

News on social media is round the clock, whether it is broadcasted in English or another language, it becomes convenient because you can add subtitles to videos online to better understand the message. One of the reasons why social media is so important in politics is the speed at which news, polls, and rumors can spread. While in the pre-internet era we had to wait for the next newspaper or television news, today we are provided with breaking news around the clock.

Social media has taken this development a step further. Although numerous websites provide the latest news 24/7, most people spend more time on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter than on legitimate news or political websites.

As a result, you will see all the latest news and opinions shared by your friends every time you log into your social media accounts.

The influence of polls

Political polls are an important part of any campaign. They are often confusing because multiple surveys are often presented on the same day with conflicting results.

As with other types of political news, the internet has also greatly increased the number of poll results we see every day. Social media has accelerated this trend. Not only are the results of surveys published on social media sites, but you can also even take part in Facebook surveys yourself.

Poll results have a huge impact on elections. This applies even if they are falsified. A survey can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, if people think that a candidate is clearly ahead in the race, they might conclude that voting for the underdog is pointless.

With the daily and non-stop release of the latest poll results on social media, there is tremendous pressure on candidates to set themselves apart from their opponents.

Read also: Goals, Target Groups, and Channel Selection in Politics

Direct interaction with politicians

One of the positive impacts of social media on politics is the ability for voters to more easily engage with candidates and elected officials.

In the past, this required participation in an election event. But not everyone has this opportunity.

Thanks to modern technology, participation in virtual events are now possible without any problems. Live streaming events offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with politicians and candidates.

Demographics and Targeting

Targeting is used by the entire advertising industry to ensure that ads and messages reach the right audience.

This practice is also common in politics. In the age of social media, politicians and incumbents are able to conduct targeted and well-targeted election campaigns.

If a candidate wishes to address the concerns of women, students, retirees, foreigners, or any other constituency, the message can be tailored and published.

Just like advertisers, politicians and political candidates can engage in social media marketing, for example, to use analytics and targeted advertising on Facebook. So if you notice political messages that seem to speak to you personally, it’s no coincidence.


SEO: Political Parties Visibility

Many people use the Google search engine to find information. For parties, parliamentary groups, associations and other political organizations, this is a great opportunity to get messages across to people even better. It is to win people over for their solutions.

Why are SEO services so important for politics?

seo services

Public relation is an essential part of political mediation. But you can only find a few online contents from political organizations such as parties or parliamentary groups in search engines when you click.

Recent studies show that nine out of ten websites don’t get a single organic visitor. More than almost any other field of work, politics is dependent on the successful communication and dissemination of its content. Only those who achieve good rankings with their content in the search engine have a chance of being noticed by citizens. And seo services are often the key to success here.

Tips to increase the visibility of political websites

The Perfect Keyword Analysis

The small 1×1 of search engine optimization is experts should only attribute each content page to a central main keyword. A keyword analysis provides a lot of valuable information about the actual search queries of the citizens.

User-friendly Content

Content is king. This is not new but it is currently a very important ranking factor for Google. Those who offer unique, high-quality content have a real chance of getting to the top of the search results.

Internal and External Linking

A clear structure is important. This applies not only to the text structure but also to the linking. Internal links provide Google with important information about the page hierarchy. The more important a landing page or blog article is for a domain, the more prominently they should be linked internally

Politics and SEO: what matters when it comes to optimization?

Public relations and SEO are not mutually exclusive. Quite the opposite, only through professional search engine optimization can the full potential of political content communication be unfolded. Nevertheless, there is a whole new challenge for politics and association work.

In order to be visible in the digital space in the long term, you should closely align online content with the actual search intention of the user. What topics are searched for on Google? Which questions do citizens enter directly into the search engine? How can political content be structured and prepared not only in a user-friendly way but also in a search-engine-friendly way? These are all questions that future political public relations work must address.

Politics, Technology

Roblox Community Standards – No Political Discussions?

The Roblox community is a place where people can play games, hang out, and be themselves. The community has guidelines that everyone must follow. These guidelines are in place to make sure the community remains safe for all users.

The Roblox community stands for creativity and freedom of expression. They want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to express themselves in whatever way they choose.

Political Discourse in the Roblox Community

The Roblox community is a diverse and complex place with different opinions on many topics. Members of the Roblox Community include Roblox Games. While the community is a place for members to express their own opinions, there are policies in place that moderate discussions specifically when it comes to discussions about politics, religion, and other sensitive topics.

The Roblox community has been having political threads since the game’s inception, but it has been recently brought to attention that these threads are not allowed on the forums.

This is because of the policy that states “Do not post any political content.” This policy was put in place because of the fear of the game being taken down by people who may be offended by these discussions.

Should the Roblox Community Stand for a More Positive Outlook on Life?

In recent years, the Roblox Community has been plagued with negativity and pessimism. This is due to a number of factors such as the rise of different types of games, a lack of creativity in some users, and the dark nature of some games.

There are many ways that we can change this outlook on life in order to make it more positive for everyone involved. One way that we can do this is by promoting positivity and happiness among users. We should also make sure that we are not promoting negativity or pessimism in our content to avoid giving off a bad vibe to other users.

The future is bright for those who believe in it!

Read also: Collecting Coin Master Free Spins – Video Games, Politics And Civic Life

What Should We Do About All This Political Discourse on Forums?

A forum is a place where people can share their thoughts and opinions. It has always been a place where people can express their views freely without fear of being judged or criticized.

But as the world becomes more polarized, it’s becoming harder to find a common ground in such an open forum. The political discourse on forums has been going on for years, but what should we do about all this?

Some members of the community are suggesting that we should not tolerate any political rhetoric on the forums. They argue that it is not our responsibility to police the content of others and instead focus on creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions.

Conclusion and Suggestion for Forum Moderators and Admins: How Do We Stop Political Debates from Happening Again

Moderation is important to stay away from unwanted political debates. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, a political debate is not a healthy topic for a forum and its members. Moderators should have a set of standards on which topics are allowed and which are not. This helps the forum become a friendlier place for people to express themselves on other topics.

Forum Moderators and Admins should have a better understanding of the topics that they are moderating. This will help them make better decisions when it comes to stopping debates from happening again.


Goals, Target Groups, and Channel Selection in Politics

Digital marketing for politicians is now a trend in the world of politics. That’s why digital marketing companies like Click Vision adapt a new strategy specifically designed for political campaigns. In this post, let’s look into the importance of setting goals, target groups, and channel selection in politics.

How To Find Your Target Audience in 6 Questions

If you, as a politician, want to reach everyone with your political messages on social media platforms, you will not reach anyone. It is therefore important that before you create your profiles on the platforms Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Co. and start posting, you have defined two things in particular for yourself: your goals and your target group. This is the only way you can answer the question: Which digital social media platform is suitable for me, as a politician, or for my party? And on which social media platform can I reach potential voters in order to communicate and interact with them? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or rather Linkedin? The right positioning is the be-all and end-all for functioning political online marketing on social platforms for politicians and the party.

It is important in online marketing: Whoever speaks to everyone, speaks to no one! For example, if you want to reach senior citizens and new voters with a political post, it will be difficult to implement the post visually and in terms of content in such a way that both target groups really feel addressed. So there are many reasons why you should know your target group, as a politician, in political communication. The following three points in social media depend heavily on your target group definition:

  • Choosing your platforms
  • The language of social media
  • The design of your political posts

You’re probably wondering how you, as a politician, can find out more about your target audience. We recommend that you seek dialogue with existing or potential voters. The following questions provide information about your political target group:

  • What hobbies and values ​​do the people have?
  • What wishes?
  • What fears?
  • Which problems?

In order to make the best of your marketing effort online, you will have to define your goals, set your target groups, and select your channel.

Read also: 5 Reasons why US Presidential Election is a Driving Factor to Increase Business Sales

Branding for politicians and parties

Another important part of your positioning is the so-called branding in social media. Branding can be explained with the help of the so-called iceberg model: There are invisible (below the water) and visible (above the water surface) elements of a brand or a personality. Deeper values, visions, attitudes, or personal experiences are not visible. Visible, on the other hand, is, for example, advertising measures, statements, appearance, communication on social media, etc. External perception can be controlled in a targeted manner through the use of branding. You can make non-visible elements visible in a targeted manner and thus shape and influence your own image.

This mechanism is extremely influential in social media, as you can position yourself daily through certain postings or even express your opinion through personal statements on Instagram or Facebook stories. An important point for branding communication in social media is that colors, fonts, and font sizes always remain the same. Here are some tips. Use your party colors. Use a maximum of 3 fonts (less is more!). And finally, include recurring elements (logo, symbols, etc.).


Politics In Construction Mats Trade

General political climate, power politics and internal politics, you have certainly come across these terms in your career.

In fact, the subject is not easy to grasp. Nevertheless, the employment is worthwhile.

Company policy and internal policy are two different concepts. The corporate policy includes measures and decisions that represent a concretization of corporate philosophy and vision. The focus is on breaking down the target planning into the implementation.

Why is there politics in construction mats companies?

There are two main reasons for corporate politics.

Professional goals for construction mats corporate politics

In construction mats organizations, people work together. They contribute to numerous corporate goals with their day-to-day activities. They broke down these goals until finally, each employee chases the defined goals. These goals are also measured against every employee.

Now it can take place that professional goals clash with the goals of others. Thus the success of the employee, his department, area, or team is in danger. Whether support from service providers, budget, availability of colleagues, and attention of superiors, even in company’s time, attention and resources are limited. Typically, a competitive situation bears political fruit. No doubt about this since everyone wants to attain the goals that have been agreed upon for them.

Personal goals for construction mats corporate politics

A second main reason for politics in the corporate world is personal goals. A new employee might want to develop a career, expand his status, creative freedom,  and his income systematically.construction mats

The second performer swears by reliability. After all, he has been working with the company for 35 years. Soon, he will be starting semi-retirement.  It might be horrific for him to see any change in the organization, IT systems or its business processes.

Worker number 3 has already resigned internally. He doesn’t want to and can’t win any more positions in the company. Thus he pushes work to rule.

World views, Interests, values, and experiences shape personal goals. Similar to professional goals, personal goals can conflict with one another as well. Again, the result of this is political behaviour.

Politics belongs to companies like lime to a coffee machine. It is omnipresent and always there. It is stronger in some companies and weaker in others.

Government, Politics

The Things You must Bring before Casting Your Vote

Polls are open! It’s time to head out and cast your vote for the next President of the United States. Before you go, make sure you have these 5 things ready for Election Day.

  1. Make sure to check the voter registration deadline for your state.
  2. Remember to bring your ID card or other forms of identification with you.
  3. Bring a snack! Polling stations often have food options, but it’s not guaranteed that they will be healthy.
  4. Wear comfortable shoes! You don’t want to be trying on new heels while waiting in line.
  5. Bring cash to buy snacks from the vending machine if there aren’t any other food options available at the polling station.

Voter Registration Deadline

Voting is an extremely important part of America’s democracy. Make sure you’ve registered as a voter, and if not, make sure to check the deadline for your state. Just as when you are watching out for the latest release of an upcoming game, do so as well with voting deadlines. Your vote counts and it can make a difference.

ID Cards/Registration

When you head to the polls, make sure you have your ID card or other forms of identification with you. If you’re voting early and voting at a different location than where you live, make sure to check for voter registration deadlines for that location.

Remember that there are often no early-voting opportunities in your state so make sure to allow enough time for getting back home on the day of the election. Also remember to check in with your local polling station before leaving to ensure they know when and where you’ll be voting.

Snacks to Eat at the Polls

If you’re voting early, make sure to bring snacks to the polling station. This way you can hold off on cooking until after you vote. If there aren’t any food options available at the polling station, bring some cash so you can buy what you want from a vending machine. Remember to wear comfortable shoes because long lines and waiting will make your feet tired! But most importantly, don’t forget your ID card or other forms of identification!

Government, Politics

5 Reasons why US Presidential Election is a Driving Factor to Increase Business Sales

Every time the United States presidential election is about to take place, it is oftentimes raising a lot of concerns for investors on their current portfolio would fare under Democratic or Republican administration. Perceptions such as beliefs on which political party will favor investors might somehow overshadow the already proposed investment strategies.

Number 1. Think Ahead

On the other hand, long-term analysis of performance can support investors in maintaining their original plan. As a matter of fact, this is the same reason why if you compare Makita impact drivers and several other products in stores and online, they’ve made huge innovations and developments on the prior versions.

So if you are worried that the next election might affect your business, following are just a few of the tips that may help you navigate around it.

Number 2. It Requires a Team

The president is only among the numerous factors that are influencing the market. There are several entities that might have stronger influence than the president.

Macroeconomic factors similar to inflation, interest rates, changes in policies, economic outlooks and wars might actually create more impact than those who are in the position.

Number 3. Profits can be Biblical

If you are new to the corporate and political world, then you’d be surprised how policies and politics can easily derail the forecasted trend for the stock market. However, business profitability is always a strong element that must not be disregarded.

The increased demand for services and goods are all helping to boost the company’s profits and ultimately, the uptrend of stock prices.

Number 4. Innovation Acts as a Backbone

According to research, it was discovered that Apple was a greater force compared to the White House, market-wise. Their products have fired up US economy and opened over 2 million jobs. Believe it or not, its app ecosystem alone is responsible for the creation of more than 1.5 million jobs and earnings of staggering $16 billion for developers.

Number 5. Diversify

Instead of timing the market throughout the election or the political party, having a diversified portfolio helps in building long-term profit regardless of who is in the position.


Political Education Guitar Lesson

Music is a living medium all over the world. It expresses moods, feelings, thoughts, ideas and longings. In addition, it can create community and can be an element of identity. You can use Adele’s Beginner Guitar Lesson to express feelings. Music can provoke, irritate and scandalize, it can entertain, it can be used for relaxation and diversion, and it can stir up and mobilize. It is precisely these diverse aspects that make music interesting for political education. For political education, it is important to discover the didactic potential of music and to use it in practice.

Adele's Beginner Guitar Lesson

Relationship of Music and politics: Adele’s Beginner Guitar Lesson

The field of relations between politics and music encompasses the inclusion of music in the context of power or rule. It also encompasses the interventions in music and musical culture as well as attempts at committed music, politically -social dimensions of all music.

Political music is the playing of national anthems at state ceremonies as well as the singing on demonstrations. It is beyond but far more. The musical can be the status of political gain.

Music during the First World War: Adele’s Beginner Guitar Lesson

For the time of the First World War, this “seminal catastrophe “of 20. Century is the traditional exclusion ratio of music and politics together with other orienting structures of western civilization fundamentally shaken. The vicious battle cry “music bolshevism” is used since 1918 to new atonal music and a little later also the Jazz to attack.

Jazz was in this time medium of protest and also a vision of striving for the “American way of life “. Rhythm, instrumentation and playing techniques fascinated also the composer of modern music.

Politics was and is made with music: Adele’s Beginner Guitar Lesson

Hymns, freedom songs by the workers or marching music by the military – the relationships between power, politics and music are diverse. Music can demonstrate political authority and be appropriated for propaganda purposes. But music is also a suitable means of transporting protest. Music mobilizes and creates identity. As history has shown, both rulers and artists are aware of their subversive power.


The Fairy Tale World of Bavarians and Their Beloved King

Bavaria is often identified as a state of Germany, and it’s officially known as Freistaat Bayern, which translates in English as the Free State of Bavaria. Despite the country’s strategic alliance with the Prussian-led German Empire during the Austro-Prussian War that led to the kingdom’s addition to Germany as an autonomous state, Bavarians have been able to assert its unique culture and identity.

In its many towns and villages, the people of Bayern’s penchant for fairy tale is still evident, unaffected by the stoicism of German culture that strives to maintain strict discipline aimed at achieving perfection and precision in all aspects of life.

The annual Oktoberfest that is being celebrated by all beer lovers throughout the world is actually a Bavarian tradition, and not German as many are inclined to think. The famous and world-renowned Neuschwanstein Castle or the fairy tale castle that served as model to Disneyland’s iconic Sleeping Beauty palace, is the legacy of Bavarian King Ludwig II.

Sadly, King Ludwig II’s lack of discipline in handling the state’s financial affairs and disinterest in politics, caused him to lose not only his position as ruler of Bavaria, but also his reputation. He was branded as a Mad King, was arrested, and on the same day, met his untimely and mysterious death.

The People of Bavaria and King Ludwig II

Currently, Bavaria is the second largest economy among German states when it comes to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This gives them a prestigious status as one of Germany’s wealthiest regions.

Travel brochures usually highlight Bayern culture through their fairy-tale villages, ornate palaces, baroque churches, snow-capped Alpine peaks, and lush green highland meadows. Other tourists are more interested in Bavaria’s culinary specialties such as authentic sausages and dumplings, alongside rivers of beer.

Travelers can also experience the ambience of Bavaria’s folkloristic culture, where women wear dirndls and men don leather breeches.

Historians tend to credit the ruler’s of the region for the famous Bayern culture, as they have preferred fine arts over engaging in wars in more than 800 years. Even King Ludwig II’s grandfather Ludwig I’s, fervent ambition was to make Bavaria’s capital Munich, a center for the arts, science, and letters. Like Ludwig II, the senior Ludwig I was also into building museums, theaters, broad avenues and palaces.

Yet whenever that particular era is mentioned, the first king that comes into mind is King Ludwig II, the lonely “dream king” and a big fan of German composer Richard Wagner. Another notable fact about him is that he was the eccentric hermit and builder of the castles located in the Alps which includes the famous Schloss Neuschwanstein in Bayern.

Bavarians show their love for the revered king by hanging his portraits in their farmhouses, inns, and taverns. Others even honor their nightclubs and hotels with his name, while there are monuments of him found at the countryside. There are even societies and clubs named after King Ludwig. Historians have taken note that no other monarch has captured the imagination of Europe more than Ludwig II, except for France’s Louis XIV.


5 Ways International Shipping Can Be Affected By Politics

Cargo ship docked at port


Today’s business environment is extremely fluid. Often derailed by unforeseeable external developments are the best-laid plans of logistics and shipping companies.

Here are instances of how international shipping is influenced by politics:

1. Protectionism

A protectionist policy restricts trade between countries by taxing imported products, thereby pushing consumers to shop domestically. An honest example is that the current spate of uncertainties and speculations surrounding President Trump’s plans to impose taxes on international trade, and its impact on international shipping.

During his campaign, the president proposed a 35% tariff on Mexican imports and 45% on Chinese imports. He spoke about withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement to spice up domestic production and thereby protect American jobs. The caveat for re-negotiations with treaty countries like Mexico and Canada to create the terms more favorable to the U.S, which is the elephant within the room.

With 90% of the world’s trade carried via ocean, the passage of those proposals could end in disruptions further as price increases which can ultimately alter the demand for business.

2. Wars and Conflicts

A current worry among global shippers now’s U.S.-China tension over the conflict in the South China Sea. Another worry is that the geographic area, with the tension of war in Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Such tensions could interrupt trade deals with partners around the world and, ultimately, even obstruct shipping. Uncertainty about how President Trump will tackle these situations adds to the paradox.

3. Taxation and Interest rates

It’s not just import-export policies or political positions that have an effect on trade and commerce. A cut in government programs or higher taxes can potentially end in less money within the market and lower demand. Rising interest rates may have an identical impact, as fewer customers could also be inclined to use their credit cards, reducing demand and, by extension, the volume of international shipping.


ALSO READ: Political Ads Are Now Suspended on Spotify


4. Regulations

Regulations can have a right away impact on the shipping industry. As an example, regulations on gas emissions can impact the price of the trucks needed for shipping fleets. By no means immune from it, Ocean freight is that the least regulated among all logistics modes.

Environmental concerns are at an all-time high with pollution and destruction of marine ecology being the 2 most pressing areas. Although ultimately local level regulations call the shots, a variety of emissions control technologies and operational strategies are in use or currently being evaluated. Influenced by political considerations are such local-level regulations, In most cases.

the economic and political outlook of the party in power is where The overall regulations depend largely on. While a government inspired by socialism could push policies favoring small businesses, a government that’s inclined to pursue neo-liberal policies, for example, could pass more legislation favoring industries and large businesses, including sendungsverfolgung DHL.

5. Impact of Globalization

Globalization is here to remain. Often shipped to a different continent for processing and to one more for assembly before being delivered back to a market within the other end of the globe is agro-products harvested in one continent. As an example, cotton grown in North America is shipped to the material mills in Africa and so to the apparel factories in Asia for processing. Before returning the finished goods back to Europe and North America for retail sales, this is often done to leverage the low labor and overhead costs.

Political factors have an enormous influence on the movement of such goods. As an example, political disturbances like civil unrest within the African country may disrupt the worth chain, forcing the diversion of products for processing elsewhere, or perhaps processing at the source, doing away with the requirement for shipping. The political activism that exposes child labor or slave labor may have an identical impact, forcing processing at sources in closer proximity and potentially eliminating the requirement for ocean shipping.

Other Political Factors

The global movement of products through the ocean, inland waterways, railways, and roadways constitutes a very important element within freight transit. Ensures seamless connectivity and multiple shipping options to the senders of the cargo is what good freight transportation does.

involving balancing trade-offs to facilitate trade are Many international shipping options. While economic factors like cost, time, and reliability of delivery play a key role, political factors are often underestimated.

Quick delivery may override other considerations even though low-cost options could also be preferred generally, for sensitive cargo, where time is money. The threat of pirates in high seas, chances of bottlenecks in ports, brotherhood activism, inflated cost of loading and unloading cargo, corruption in third-world countries, civil or other disturbances hinder the reliable movement of cargo. Those that may distort the shipping industry and influence the selection of transportation can all be clubbed as political factors.

The fact is that no shipper or business can afford to ignore political factors which regularly shape the external environment of the business although politics could appear detached from economic considerations.


Government, News, Politics

Priorities of A Politician

When one enters the world of politics, first to be certain about is the platform he or she will aim to implement and focus on during his or reign. Most politicians will focus on implementing programs for the poor to improve the quality of life and of course for the totality of one’s social well-being. However, one aspect that should really be prioritized is the problem on drugs. Why?

  1. It will ruin one’s life. We are already aware of the effects these drugs can cause to the user. These drugs destroy mental health. If one’s mental health will continue to be affected by consuming drugs, we can never expect that the user will stay the same and have a clear mind. If that person’s mind cannot think of doing something good, it will also affect other people’s lives.
  2. Problem on drugs is not just about the users. It is also about the “pushers”, or those who sell it. This is the reason why politicians tend to only focus on fighting poverty. Because tendencies are, if people are having a hard time living and earning money for their families, they will choose to engage in doing criminal activities just to have something on their tables.
  3. Talking about criminal activities, using and selling drugs are not just the only criminal activities that can be associated with using drugs. Rape and murder of innocent lives can be the major crimes we can think of when talking about the effects of using and selling drugs. Just to reiterate, as mentioned in number one, drugs will have a negative effect on how you think. It will literally somewhat bring you in a different world and make you do things you should not do. Unfortunately, victims are mostly family members.

Detox Phoenix AZ helps people recover from drugs. The purpose of rehabilitation centers are not to contain addicts, but to cure them. Politicians should also focus on allocating more fund for centers that will improve people’s lives in general.



Is There Hope for Better Child Care Policies and Programs in the US?

While the US has childcare policies, they’re carried out via not-so robust public programs except in states that have legislated their own child care statutes. Liberals through the progressive Democrats have been pushing for universal child care and early education laws, similar to those being provided by Scandinavian countries like Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.

How Child Care Policies are Shaping Up Under the Biden Administration

Hopefully, positive changes will take place under the Biden administration, since this new president has been pushing for the inclusion of child care policies such as universal preschool, expanded Child Tax Credit and paid family leaves for medical purposes.

Actually, the Child Tax Credit has taken effect this year, for which 35.2 million qualified American families received the first monthly installment last July 2021. According to the IRS, they have credited a total of about $15 billion as advance tax credit payments covering as many as 60 million children and averaging $423 for each child.

In April of this year, US Democratic Senator Elizabth D. Warren of Massachusetts and House Representative Mondaire Jones (D-NY-17), reintroduced the bill embodying Universal Child Care and Early Learning laws. It’s a bicameral legislative proposal that aims to establish federal support for locally administered child care programs.

If the bill garners Congressional approval, it will ensure the availability of affordable and high quality child care services and early learning, to middle and low income families.

A Quick Look at Child Care and Early Education Policies in Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavian countries are popular for being family-friendly, as the national governments have made it compulsory for employers to give paid parental leaves to both mothers and fathers of new borns.

In Sweden, parents are allowed to have as many as 480 days in paid maternal and paternal, so they can devote quality time in giving care and raising their children from infancy stage up to their preschool years.

Although a set of 480 days paid leave must be consumed before a child turns eight years old, Swedish parents can still avail of paid leaves called “Vård av Barn” (VAB) when needing to look after a sick child. Moreover, they can choose to work for shorter periods when needing to maintain balance between work and family life.

To help Swedish parents meet the needs of their children, Swedish parents living together are entitled to receive a monthly allowance of SEK1250 for each child. Solo parents, on the other hand, receive SEK675 as monthly child care allowance.

In addition, preschools are required to provide quality day care services as they are partly subsidized by the government to ensure affordability. To make preschool daycare facilities accessible to all Swedish families, the government has imposed a maxtaxa policy that caps a limit to the fees charged, and in accordance with the economic status of a family.

Although Scandinavian countries like Sweden are not the wealthiest, they see to it that part of the high taxes collected from its citizens work toward providing support to families until their children reach the age of majority. Elementary up to Senior High Education is provided free in Sweden regardless of choice of school. Children’s medical and health care needs are likewise free, including the prenatal care, child delivery and postnatal medical services provided by hospitals.

Scandinavian nations are perfect examples of how governments are investing in families to ensure that the citizens of the future will advance in life in good health and with high levels of intellect.

In Sweden however, parental failure that affects the physical and/or mental well being of a child can have serious consequences. The government could take action by taking away a child from his or her parents.

That is why, a common obsession among Swedish parents is the use of baby monitors, preferably the babyvakt kamera type that lets them have a constant and clear visual of their babies and toddlers when sleeping or playing on their own in another room.


US Politician Wants GTA 5 Banned

GTA 5, one of the foremost popular games of all time, may face a possible ban in the USA after an official suggested that the sport promotes ‘psychological harm’.

GTA 5 on PS4


GTA 5 has consistently been one of every of the foremost popular video games around. Of late, it even ranked joined of the foremost sold games of all time, after having crossed a purported milestone of 140 million sold copies, and counting.

However, a new, proposed regulation by an American politician wants to place a stop to the game’s growth and recognition, and set precedent for the remainder of the globe to follow moreover. Per USA’s Republican Marcus Evans Jr of Illinois, games like GTA 5 promote “psychological harm” and “carjacking”, and thus qualify as content that promotes violence within the society – both among adults and juniors. Further labeling it as a “huge issue”, among other things, Evans is now calling for a ban on GTA 5.

While going after GTA 5, with its legit modded GTA 5 accounts PS4, and its portrayal of violence within the game, Evans is additionally pushing for an amendment in US laws to redefine what constitutes a “violent” computer game, and would therefore qualify for a ban. Consistent with his proposed amendment, a violent computer game would qualify together that enables gamers to “control a personality within the game that’s encouraged to perpetuate human-on-human violence.”


ALSO READ: Politics and Minecraft Video Game


If Evans’ suggestion is heard by the US government, it’d wipe out an enormous, overwhelming majority of the computer game industry, which features combats in some form or another, even in non-action genre video games.

This is not the primary claim of its kind made in the USA, or elsewhere within the world. In China, the govt initially imposed a ban on PUBG Mobile, stating that the sport was too violent to be allowed to propagate within the masses.

Yet to issue any statement in response to the legislation filed by Evans is Rockstar Games, or its company Take Two Interactive. Even the Entertainment Software Association, one of the most important holding bodies within the realm of gaming within the world, hasn’t issued any statement basis the claims made.

It remains to be seen how the legislation is approached within the coming days. If it’s indeed put into action, it should jeopardize the worldwide gaming industry that’s presently worth billions of dollars.



Collecting Coin Master Free Spins – Video Games, Politics And Civic Life

Mobile games, as the term implies, are video games which are usually played on portable devices that is with or with no network availability, which includes mobile phones or smartphones, tablet, and other handheld game consoles.

Collect Coin Master Free Spins And Rewards

One mobile game that has become ubiquitous on social media is Coin Master. However, the game isn’t actually new as it was initially released back in 2010, 11 years ago. It once more gained traction when Moon Active, a mobile game company and developer of Coin Master, uploaded to YouTube a new prevue of it. The game was downloaded more than 100 million times, as of February 2021.

The aim of the mobile game is to win as much coins as possible so as to upgrade various items which in turn are used to build-up and upgrade your own Viking village as well as attack or raid other players’ villages. Every hour, the number of spins is only limited to seven, giving you seven attempts to win. In-game purchase is also available and possible where you could buy additional spins and other items. However, Coin Master free spins and other in-game rewards can also be redeemed through daily links provided by the developer, which you can find on their social media channels as well as on several websites, that gather all these links, making it easier for players to collect these free daily rewards.

When it comes to children playing the game, it is important for parents to decide to allow or disallow the children to play since the mobile game, in several ways and to a certain extent, simulates gambling as players need to regularly spin a virtual slot machine in order to win and collect coins and other game items. This would mean players would be spending a lot of time to spin the virtual slot machine.

Video Games, Politics and Civic Life

While mobile games and video games in general are played for the fun-factor, for entertainment and recreation, players may not realize that through their gameplay on certain video games, they are actually educated on and participating in politics and in civic life, where these games could encourage political change as well as where politics could inspire game developers to create meaningful games.

Several video games could essentially help players acquire and at the same practice significant civic-related and public life-related skills, such as critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, proper communication and empathy. Here are a few instances:

  • ANIMAL CROSSING:NEW HORIZONS. In the game, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, during their campaign for election, actually made their own islands with a virtual version of themselves, and encouraged other players to make a vote.
  • FORTNITE. Through this free-to-play survival game, a string of discussions on politics, racism in media, entertainment, and culture (We The People) were conducted. Van Jones of CNN hosted the program and featured several personalities, like journalists Jemele Hill and Elaine Welteroth, and musicians Lil Baby and Killer Mike.
  • AMONG US. Several politicians in the real world made use of this virtual world to engage people. U.S. Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in 2020, played the game where it was streamed live on the gaming platform, Twitch. People were actually engaged as over 400,000 people viewed the game.

News, Politics

Bowling And Disco Bowling In Vienna

Crime Runners is a live-action adventure at Schottentor. We have further developed the idea of ​​the Escape Room in Vienna and added storytelling and special effects. You can expect puzzles, adrenaline, and a story of political intrigue. Together you have an hour to thwart the corrupt politician and prevent a catastrophe. In our Vienna Tips Magazine, we wrote about the most beautiful leisure time ideas for spring in Vienna. The following article deals in detail with the subject of “Bowling Vienna”. If you prefer to roll your ball while bowling, we also have information about the bowling alleys in Vienna.

What is the difference between bowling and skittles?

Bowling originally emerged from skittles, so the two disciplines cannot be separated too strictly from each other. This goes back to the story that Europeans in America wanted to bypass a ban on the game of bowling at the time and therefore developed the modified form of bowling. The most important differences here at a glance:

Tenpins vs nine cones

The two disciplines differ in the following points: bowling counts ten goals, skittles only nine. The goals in bowling are called pins, in bowling, it is important to hit the pins. The bowling pins are arranged in a triangle, the skittles are in the shape of a diamond. Another difference is that bowling balls have holes in them. This is because bowling balls, also called balls, are heavier than bowling balls. The holes are used for better controllability when throwing. You can visit bowling balls buyer guide to see the information of bowling balls you want to use or buy.

The weight of the balls

While bowling balls are lighter and smaller, bowling balls can weigh up to 7.25 kg and, in contrast to the balls in bowling, are all the same size despite the different weight (at least in professional bowling). The behavior of the ball, when thrown, is another distinguishing feature. Since bowling lanes are oiled, bowling balls slide towards their target as the ball rolls while bowling.

The difference in the rules and the skittles

The number of throws and whether you can clear away with a second throw if you don’t hit a strike – all pins fall – differentiate bowling from bowling. The strings on the skittles are another distinguishing feature because bowling doesn’t have any strings, the pins are set up again with metal handles.

Bowling alley vs bowling alley

In bowling, there are 4 lanes that are played on, these are the asphalt or classic lane, the plank lane as well as the scissors lane, or the bowling lane. You can find out more about the bowling lanes in our article on bowling lanes in Vienna. When it comes to bowling, there is only the bowling alley. Bowling facilities usually have 4 or 6 lanes, 8 lanes are rarely found. The smallest bowling facility in Austria, which is located in beautiful Villach, has 8 lanes. The largest bowling center with 32 lanes is the PLUS Bowling Center in the 17th district, there is definitely enough space here to let friends roll the balls. You can find detailed information on the individual types of bowling alleys in our article Bowling in Vienna! In the following, we dedicate ourselves to bowling in Vienna.

Disco bowling and bowling in Vienna

So far, we have really explained in great detail what bowling is and how it differs from bowling. We also offer more detailed information about bowling, but in a separate article about the bowling alleys in Vienna. If you don’t want to play bowling too seriously as a sport, but prefer to enjoy this game with friends as a start to a weekend celebration, we recommend disco bowling!

What is disco bowling?

Disco Bowling is bowling pins with cork pops. For music videos and LED shows, you rent a train with friends and let the ball roll or slide. It’s a lot of fun in the right group! And most providers of disco bowling also offer special packages for you and your friends, so that you have a really fun start to the evening. So on Fridays and Saturdays, you are surrounded by other party-goers, sometimes a DJ plays in the background and the bars stay open during the night. In Vienna, some centers offer disco bowling. We have put all the information together for you and listed the bowling alleys in Vienna by district!


Physical Work Environment In Government Agencies Matters To Recruit And Retain Young Talents – Transform A Space With Interior Painting Minnesota

When it comes to interior design, there are numerous things that you could do to personalize the space, give it an easy or complete makeover, and increase its overall appeal. Painting the interior is one and it is a simple and inexpensive way to the space an upgrade.

Interior Painting Minnesota – Quality Workmanship And Results

While you can take on the paint job yourself, there are more gains to hiring a professional painter in your area. One is that they have the proper professional-grade painting tools, which they clearly needed to learn how to correctly and effectively use along with the right painting process and techniques, to compete and pull off a perfectly even and smooth paint job.

JMJ Painters offer professional interior painting Minnesota. Not only do they provide expert quality workmanship with great accuracy and attention to detail, but also make use of paints of the highest quality as well as make certain that the surface receives the proper pre-painting perp work for the paint to last longer than expected.

It also worth noting that they adhere to the standards of the Painting Contractors Association (PCA) and are members of various painting organizations in both the local and the national levels which means they continuously work on their trade to safely and professionally provide all their clients quality service, workmanship and results without fail. So, if you’re looking for quality interior painting Minnesota, don’t hesitate to contact JMJ Painters to find out more about the services they provide and schedule your estimate for free.

Interior Work Environments In Government Agencies Matters To Recruit And Retain Employees

Apart from making a space more pleasing to the eyes and evoking that feeling of being welcomed, interior and exterior paint give surfaces a protective layer which helps in withstanding and delaying the process of wear and tear and the damaging effects of the changing and extreme conditions of the weather.

As mentioned, a fresh coat of paint can significantly enhance and transform the interior which is important as the visual appearance of your home can affect your mental wellbeing. This is similar to where you work. As one’s mental wellbeing is affected, work productivity is also influenced which flows down to work output. Hence, the physical work environment has a weighty effect on the performance of workers as well as on their decision to remain in that company or not.

In many government agencies, recruiting and retaining staff is a top priority as 45.6 is now the median age of a government employee. In fact, US President Joe Biden is 78 years old making him the oldest person in the history of the United States to assume the presidency when inaugurated on January 20, 2021. Even the age of members of the US Congress has steadily become older with its median age now at about 60.

This is why a lot of government agencies aim to update and modernize all of their operations and facilities as well as improve the visual appeal of the workplace as an initiative to catch the attention and interest of younger talents who will be continuously trained to eventually take over a workforce that is quickly retiring. 

According to a survey, 37% of job aspirants will accept a role with a lower pay rate as long as the hiring company provides attractive and likeable work culture, technology, and facilities, making the physical workplace all the more important and relevant. With a pleasing and agreeable interior work environment, the workspace is revitalized and modified to meet the exact needs for effective collaboration, flexibility, and decision-making. Furthermore, as government employees spend a considerable length of time inside the workplace, maintaining an agreeable work environment will surely have a positive effect on the employees’ mental well-being fostering increased productivity and better work performance.



Where to Watch updated News?

News can be characterized as current realities or the happenings circumventing the world being relayed to an average person via news channels or papers. These data go under the media business that attempts to contact masses and illuminate about the most recent occurrings around – good or bad.

Anyway, news is being passed on in various classifications including print, electronic, radio and the most recent one is the web-based media that is accepted to acquire unrest this field. Media is likewise viewed as the fourth mainstay of the popular government which attempts to introduce the actual reality of the general public to the general public. Besides social media there are tv subscriptions like iptv which has various news channels, so you will be informed of not only local but also global news.

The news channels, papers, diaries and so forth have connected with various regions to introduce the genuine picture. Be it clinical, legislative issues, sports, corporate, government area or the private area, data or reality identified with each field is introduced by the media before the everyday person.

After papers news channels or the electronic media appeared and denoted another time of media. Through news channels individuals had the option to observe the real happening going on right now.

Anyway, the greatest unrest accompanied the presentation of online media or social sites. With its simple availability, it became simpler to contact masses through web-based media. Aside from sites, other existing news channels and papers likewise turned into a piece of online media by presenting their site containing all the news and significant data in the internet.


Why and How Florida’s New Insurance Laws Affect Roofing Companies

The need to control the rapid increase in home insurance costs in Florida elicited contentious legislative proposals affecting roofing contractors as well. The final provisions of SB 76 that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed to take effect in July 01, 2021 included certain restrictions that bar Florida roofing companies from carrying on with certain business practices when contracting roofing repair services with insured property homeowners. Mainly because insurance companies have been putting the blame on roofing contractors for the mounting costs of roof repair claims being filed by insured homeowners.

In recent years, many insurance companies have been rejecting insurance claims that they deem as unnecessary costs of roof repairs or roof replacements supposedly instigated by roofing contractors. As a result, an increasing number of lawsuits are being filed against insurance companies, since homeowners feel disadvantaged in not being able to claim reimbursements for their roof-repair expenses.

Inasmuch as legal costs all the more increase the financial burdens faced by insurance companies, a spate of increases in insurance premiums have taken place as recourse.

SB 76 intends to control the continuously rising costs of home insurance premiums being charged by Florida insurance companies. Yet the insurance bill focused on controlling the soaring number of roof damage claims, which insurance companies allege are results of business strategies and practices of roofing companies.

SB 76 Restrictions Imposed on Florida Roof Contractors

SB 76 included provisions that require insurance companies to include information about closed claims in the annual reports being submitted to the state’s Office of Insurance Regulation.

Additionally, insurance laws now require the Property Insurance Corporation to provide an estimation of the costs of catastrophe reinsurance in the calculation of rates for a projected 100-year probable maximum loss; regardless of whether the corporation purchases reinsurance.


While several other provisions pertaining to procedures for rejecting claims of roof repairs are now prescribed, the new insurance bill included the following restrictions that roofing companies and contractors must observe:

1. Roofing contractors are prohibited from initiating an insurance claim or negotiating claims in behalf of insured homeowners.

2. It is now unlawful for roofing contractors to offer cash rebates, discount coupons, gift cards or anything of value, to insured homeowners as incentive to having their home inspected for roof damages. Incentives include waiver of insurance deductible on a residential property,

3. Roof repair contractors are likewise prohibited from urging insured homeowners to file an insurance claim as consideration in carrying out roof inspection, as this is also considered as tantamount to soliciting a roof repair deal with the insured homeowner.

4. Generally, SB 76 prohibits roofing contractors from coaxing, urging or bribing insured homeowners with rebates or discounts through advertisements or by way of door-to-door marketing campaigns. The contention is that these methods deviate from conventional approaches in which insured homeowners initiate roof inspections by searching online for a licensed roofing contractor using search phrases like “Roofing Company near me.”

5. While some insured homeowners rely on recommendations of neighbors, relatives and associates, SB 76 also prohibits roofing contractors from offering some form of financial consideration to those who will recommend their services to others by word-of-mouth.

Still, in an article published by the owner of Silvers Systems Inc., Mike Silvers, who is a Director of Technical Services at Florida’s Fellow of the Royal Services and Arts (FRSA), he warns that there are certain language in the SB 76 bill that could be misinterpreted. He gives advice to roofing contractors to first seek legal advice before modifying their policies and their roofing contracts in line with the provisions and restrictions of SB 76.


DB: Office Politics Survival Tips

The facility to make government issues work positively for you is to recognize them as a reality.  You need to establish procedures to perceive and understand political behaviour and to build a solid and strong organization.

DB Company: Examine the organizational chart

Workplace problems regularly escape the formal hierarchical structure. So sit back and notice it for a while, then record the political force and impact in your company versus the individual’s position or professional title.

DB Company: Understand the informal network

Knowing where the power and implications lie is an ideal opportunity to look at the connections and connections of people to understand the casual or informal communities.

Observe carefully to find out who is coexisting with whom and who thinks others are more difficult to work with. Look for gatherings, gatherings, or inner circles. Notice whether associations are based on community, consideration, emotion, or something else.

Finally, try to translate what the inter-congregation impact is. Notice whether there will be relational clashes or agony, for instance, when you are dealing with Fahrplanauskunft Deutsche Bahn.

DB Company: Make connections

Now that you understand how existing connections work, you can begin building your own interpersonal organization.

Stop by your group nearby and cross the right chain of command in all directions – staff, bosses and minds. Try not to fear politically influential people. All in all, you get to know them and build great associations that defy empty, sweet-talking.

DB Company: Kill negative politics

Fahrplanauskunft Deutsche Bahn

You can help make a work environment safer by not “fueling” the fire and not engaging in negative government issues.

For example, avoid giving gossipy tidbits without bothering to consciously think about their source, validity, and effect. Also, do not rely on secrecy. It is safer to accept that whatever you specify will be repurposed. So choose carefully which “privileged insights” you discover.

Remain consistently competent and do not favour either side and do not get involved in disputes or accusations. At the point where an argument arises, remember that there has to be no champion and no failure. It is regularly conceivable to find an answer that satisfies everyone.

When raising concerns or doing your own analysis, be safe and determined, but not forceful. Also, make sure you take a hierarchical point of view, not just a narrow-minded one.


CSGO Skin Game Players and Politics

Young people are the cause of society. So to say, young people, are the confidence of the elderly. They should not only play games DOTA and others games and sell csgo skins. Young people must actively participate in politics and government activities.

Why should csgo skins games players have an engagement in politics and government?

Although the majority of them are of the age that is unproductive since they are always studying, they should think about politics. Society and the media industry often use the word politics in a negative sense. Most people use the word politics rarely in a positive sense. A lot of young people are politically passive. However, there are also some who expresses their political opinions to other young people.   That is the reason why society believe that most young people are not actually politically illiterate but are political pessimists.

Political pessimism among young csgo skins games players

Political pessimism rules in many countries. sell csgo skinsThis is the reason why many people do not vote. Even though the young generation do not form the majority of the voting public and there are fewer young people, they form a substantial part of the electorate of some parties in many countries. The young generation who studies become useful in a certain electoral term. So the dispute: “This does not worry me” is not good since politics affects every eighteen-year-old person. Government and politics affect everyone because politics is everywhere, whether you want it or not. This affects not only the school but the parents as well.

Young people become responsible and they should be able to play video games responsibly. As they mature they also bring responsibility for their nation. It does not have to be politics, but work or school. Young people take on this accountability, whether they are aware of it or not. It is very important that they are educated in political activity. It does not have to be engagement in politics but you also participate in politics through voting.  The politicians are your representatives whom you have elected. It is written in the constitution. So that is why young people should be interested in politics and government.


Politics and Minecraft Video Game

Video games have not only arrived in society but affect everyone from preschoolers to retirees.

Games do not arise in politically free space and therefore always communicate world views and common values. They just, in a sense, reproduce the world as you perceive it. In doing so, they confirm dominant worldviews. And you also internalize this when you play. One speaks of media socialization.

Politics and video games like Minecraft

java minecraft servers

In the USA in particular, there is a strong overlap between popular culture and political discourse. But this also applies to many right-wing European political currents. Video games are not the only ones involved in the success of this narrative, which is as simple as it is unrealistic. Films and other media also help to consolidate a certain worldview. They also take it up because it is already successful. So it would be nonsense to blame video games for this. Video games in java minecraft servers play an increasingly important role in recent years.

In other words, computer games have become something of an ideological trailblazer.

After all, computer games do not reinvent these ideas. But in turn take on existing ideas, which media then process this. Certain scenarios through computer games mentally prepare people. This does not just apply to politics. For players of business simulations, it is perfectly natural that something has to be done more efficiently somewhere all the time.

Can computer games like Minecraft be used as a propaganda tool?

Players are particularly careful. For example, they distrust video games especially when it comes to historical content, even more than other media.

The so-called triple-A titles work in reverse. They test beforehand according to all the rules of the art what people like, what goes down well and what doesn’t. All edges are sanded away before publication. In the end, they therefore usually depict the prevailing worldview.

What do computer games like Minecraft say about the current political situation?

It is noticeable that a disproportionately high proportion of computer games are about conflicts. Cooperative games, in which something is created together, are unfortunately still the exception. You must bear in mind the fact that the big game developers around the world always have the American market in mind.

Politics, Technology

Serious Games, Virtual Worlds

Within the framework of the Digital Assises, on May 29, 2008, Valérie Pécresse indicated the main orientations of the digital policy at the University. Serious games were mentioned:

“I would like universities to create a real heritage of their digital documentation, with recorded lessons, digitized documents, or even” serious games “, this software based on video game technologies, and which allow you to learn, train or test skills and knowledge. Our objective can then be summed up in one sentence “100% of teaching documents for 100% of students”.

The Isaac report – Serious Games

The “Digital University” report addresses the subject of video games, and more particularly serious games.

New uses of digital: “In addition to online gaming communities, new 3D virtual spaces are emerging and also bring together several million users. These virtual spaces are taken over by individuals who establish any type of activity there, whether it be paid of free downloadable games. That by various and varied institutions such as companies but also universities. Advertising space of course, space of recruitment for companies, Second Life is also a space of exchange and learning since several universities (mainly North American) provide it.

Finally, video games are no longer simply seen as a simple devouring distraction for new generations. The growing success of video games among young people, the arrival of new interfaces on new home consoles (Nintendo DS, Wii), opening them up to new audiences (women, seniors), obliges to rethink the game.

Its educational potential has been the subject of several studies and is reflected in the notion of “serious game”. Institutions like the American army, medical universities, but also a company like IBM, have developed video games in order to train their staff in specific issues (urban guerrilla warfare, operating theaters, management of business processes in business). The interfaces of video games, their narrative structure, the learning methods (trial and error) appear to be interesting characteristics for training. The fact remains that the economic model of video games to date prevents a more rapid development of “serious games” in education. Financial and human investments, the life cycle of games, the preponderant role of console manufacturers (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) on the standards and economic conditions of this industry constitute serious obstacles to the development of video games for the teaching. ”

Launch serious game research program

There is no time for politics. The educational sector has to decide on proposals for a digital policy in higher education … “If the potential of” serious games “for learning is proven, the economic conditions necessary to develop uses in higher education are currently not met. A research program on the technical and economic conditions that would allow its use in pedagogy could usefully help to accelerate its use. It would be advisable to bring together one or more multidisciplinary teams in order to understand the various aspects linked to the technical, economic and pedagogical development of such tools. ”

In all current digital teaching methods, we have been able, on numerous occasions, to favor what are called serious games.

What are these Serious Games?

Serious games are fun applications, often digital, but not exclusively. If they are playful in their form and in their conduct, we call them “serious” games because they are quite serious in their purpose. Through entertaining and entertaining processes, they aim, in fact, to promote the real acquisition of skills, know-how or disposition.

Today there are serious games for all ages and for all types of training. They are not systematically implemented in all distance training courses, no doubt because they require a particular design effort. Here, we will have the opportunity to come back to this subject, which seems essential to us when talking about distance education and applied pedagogy.


Political Ads Are Now Suspended on Spotify



Spotify is suspending the selling of political advertisements on its own stage, the business told Ad Age Friday.

Spotify said in an announcement it will pause political advertisements in ancient 2020 throughout its ad-supported grade –that fosters 141 million consumers — and the flowing giant’s first and distinctive podcasts, a few of which comprise “The Joe Budden Podcast” and “Amy Schumer Gifts” The transfer just applies to the U.S. since Spotify does not run political advertisements in different nations.

“At this stage now, we don’t yet have the essential amount of robustness in our procedure, tools, and systems to validate and examine this information,” the firm said in an announcement to Ad Age. “We shall reassess this choice as we will evolve our own abilities.”

Presidential hopefuls like Bernie Sanders and associations like the Republican National Committee have advertised on Spotify. Although the company dropped to discuss just how much revenue it produces from political advertisements, an individual acquainted with its marketing business said it is not a substantial revenue generator for your company, particularly compared to Spotify’s biggest moneymakers, for example, amusement advertisements for shows or movies.

Spotify joins other technology firms such as Twitter and Google, which are interfering in their own ways with political messaging before a likely-polarizing 2020 presidential elections. For its own part, Spotify says it’s chosen to operate on its own technology before distributing political advertisements to its stage in a long run, date. It also affects artists and record labels that promote their music using Spotify playlist placement.


ALSO READ: How to Be an Internet Developer: The Complete Guide


Twitter has put a permanent kibosh on political advertisements. Even though Google’s attempt on the issue is much more nuanced since it has eliminated the capability to micro-target people according to their political affiliation via Google Lookup and YouTube. Facebook, meanwhile, is still now closely intertwined with its choice to not reality check political advertisements run on its own stage.

Other technology businesses, like The Trade Desk, also a stage which media agencies utilize to purchase digital advertisements through automation, also consider that tech business should work out the way to address the political advertising problem rather than outright banning them. “A variety of technology companies have chosen to sit and that’s a massive mistake,” that the organization’s CEO, Jeff Green, mentioned throughout The Trade Desk’s latest earnings call. “We now have a civic obligation to make this process better.”

Spotify’s most up-to-date policy insures governmental associations such as applicants for office, appointed and elected officers, Super PACs, nonprofits, and governmental parties. Additionally, it eliminates content that recommends for or against governmental entities and judicial or legislative consequences. The business doesn’t, but control political advertisements that are embedded for third-party podcasts, even although they will nonetheless be subject to Spotify’s content coverage.



Why The Government Pays Less Attention To E-Bikes?

Woman riding an e-bike


Do the British authorities know e-bikes? They are increasingly well known in some other areas of Europe, with roughly 600,000 anticipated to be marketed this season in only Germany and the Netherlands. By comparison, British earnings will be optimistically estimated at roughly 20,000.

Definitely, the largest global economy is China, in which electrical bikes market in the thousands of millions every year. But while the type of equipment it’s possible to ride without a helmet or motor from the EU is limited to 25kph and must own pedals, people in China are usually similar to electric mopeds, therefore it is difficult to generate an immediate comparison. Additionally, they are inclined to get powered with lead-acid batteries instead of lithium-ion, which are arguably less.

Some riders have a combined approach to e-bikes, also called pedelecs. Why don’t you just get a bicycle they ask, instead of spending much more cash on something considerably heavier and restricted by scope?

My own opinion is that e-bikes, like the ones you can find on ponfish.com, make sense for people, state, anxious about a more or scenic commute, or maybe taking into two wheels for your very first time. There is also an argument for slower riders that they could be more powerful in heavy traffic the battery quickly whisks you away from standstill in traffic lights and also will be able to help you stay informed about the visitors.

In any event, someone in an e-bike is also, for me personally, eminently preferable to somebody in an auto, and there’s anecdotal proof at Germany and everywhere which many e-bike buyers are making this decision, instead of simply substituting a bicycle bike with a battery-assisted a single.

Now, nobody could accuse ministers of not being challenging in regards to electric automobiles. There’s a #300m kettle to offer subsidy grants of up to 5,000 for electrical automobile purchases.

Last month, Norman Baker, after a transportation ministry earlier his appointment as a Home Office minister in this week’s reshuffle, declared a nationwide, long-term tactical strategy to market the usage of so-called ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV), using a budget of 500m, managed by the Department for Transport’s Office to get Low-Emission Vehicles. It goes without mentioning that there is no parallel office to get biking, let alone a long-term tactical plan for biking, but that is a debate for a different day.

But despite all of this cash, and all of the advertising and charging issues, electrical automobiles (which, recall, do not really reduce congestion in obstructed inner cities also, many critics assert, aren’t that much more economical than traditional automobiles) are barely taking off.

A mere 2,198 completely electric automobiles and 264 trucks are sold in Britain this past year, based on DfT data. Even the cycle writer Mark Treasure was talking out of that a”sustainable transportation” seminar in London a week and discovered this illuminating figure: you will find, normally, only 12 public fees of electrical vehicles each day, from the whole west of England.

Thus, all the more reason to drive e-bikes as a more affordable, more accessible option to gasoline automobiles in suburban and urban locations? The DfT claims accordingly, stating it had spoken to the British Electric Bicycle Association along with also e-bike retailers prior to making its own ULEV program.


ALSO READ: The Politics of Access to Public Pools


A DfT spokeswoman stated:

The plan clearly simplifies the wellbeing and congestion advantages of e-bikes and highlights which, unlike vehicles that are registered, pay no tax or tax and are extremely cheap to operate.

We’ll soon be calling in the business to provide us their ideas on how we could best devote the 500m investment we’ve dedicated to ultra-low emission cars.

We hope to get some exciting and innovative entries in the powered two-wheeler business.

However, will e-bikes actually gain? James Fitzgerald, that conducts on the Justebikes merchant, believes not. He composed Baker, whose remit occurred in biking and walking, to inquire if the DfT would do much more to encourage e-bike use.

Baker’s response to Fitzgerald was fascinating, though sometimes a bit hard to comprehend. Any spending, ” he stated,”needs to be targeted where it is going to be most effective”. He points out these motorbikes simply account for 0.5 percent of national greenhouse gas emissions, and presumably supposing bicycle riders are the sole individuals possibly considering e-bikes.

Baker added:

I would have to observe some signs that e-bikes were effective at creating massive change from cars in a manner that transcends modal change to motorcycles or pedal cycles. Would also have to be sure that any service wouldn’t result in an unwelcome modal change from a pedal bicycle into e-bikes.

Now, it is probably reasonable to say that a few folks today choose to obtain an e-bike if they may otherwise have purchased a bicycle bike. In Germany, as an instance, 50,000 longer e-bikes have been marketed in 2012 compared to 2011, which may partially account for a revenue fall of 150,000 for traditional bicycles, though retailers mostly blamed poor weather that season involving Easter and July.

However, is it not really worth a punt? Even though, say, 50 percent of e-bike owners transferred from automobile use and 50 percent from regular cycles, the ecological payoff remains important.

In any event, Baker’s response does, in my experience, reveal a lack of vision and chance. Approximately two-thirds of journeys in this country are greater than five kilometers, though a similar percentage of commutes are approximately half an hour or less.

Certainly, at the very least a percentage of people who now drive and do not fancy biking can be persuaded to an e-bike? A 12-mile yield ride is quite easy with a little battery life help.

I am not suggesting the authorities chucks a couple of hundred lbs of subsidy towards each e-bike (believed that really does, in my experience, make more sense compared to #5,000 electrical automobile bung) however it’d be great to believe ministers are treating the industry seriously, rather than dismissing it out of hand.

I will suppose two motives for this condition of affairs. Primarily, as Crossrail and HS2 reveal, governments adore enormous infrastructure projects. It creates ministers feel as though they’re doing something concrete. Scrapping either set up of a 20-year approach to improve biking could, in my opinion, create a considerably greater influence on the country. However, it does not demand the splendor of scale versions, ribbon-cutting ceremonies, and glistening new kit. To improve biking is incremental, not as monumental.

Second, just examine the patrons of those”sustainable transportation” conventions. The only attended Treasure a week has been bankrolled by, amongst others, the British Parking Association along with a firm that installs electrical car charging points. Neither of them features a vested interest in watching the e-bikes market nicely.



Politicians Known To Have Asthma and How Do They Manage | Exercise and Nebulizer

Unknown to the majority, many politicians are suffering from asthmatic conditions. The list includes Bill Clinton, Calvin Coolidge, Benjamin Disraeli, Che Guevara, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and John F. Kennedy are just a few of the many politicians who are known to be living with asthma.

Being asthmatic didn’t stop these known men to run for the political office. The questions is how did they manage with a lifelong condition? There are many ways to manage asthma. One is regular medication (salbutamol, inhalers, and nebulizer. The latest portable nebulizer machine) and healthy lifestyle which includes clean environment, good diet, and regular exercise.

Exercise to improve breathing

Targeted exercise improves lung function and reduces the risk of having an asthma attack. It lifts the mood and increases the general condition. Trained asthmatics usually get by with fewer medications.

Experts advise asthmatics to have an active everyday life and consider sport to be an important component of therapy. Many sports medicine studies prove the positive effects of physical activity: With targeted training, you can also increase your lung volume and train your auxiliary breathing muscles. Relaxation units help to reduce stress and to deal with stressful situations in a more relaxed manner. This will give you a better grip on your asthma.

Top athletes with asthma

The speed skaters Anni Friesinger-Postma and Claudia Pechstein, the cycling professional Jan Ullrich and the swimmer Sandra Völker – they all show that it is possible to play in the top league and even win Olympic medals even with a chronic disease such as bronchial asthma win.

The successful athletes swear by good asthma control. They use the asthma medication prescribed for them consistently and integrate particularly long warm-up and warm-up phases into their training plan.

Around seven to eight percent of all competitive athletes in Germany are asthmatics – in the total population, the proportion is only around five percent. Sports physicians suspect that, for example, cold winter sports or swimming in chlorinated water can trigger the asthmatic symptoms in the first place. The best tip for amateur athletes is therefore: exercise under pleasant conditions and moderately.

In advance: health check at the doctor

Your doctor knows your state of health and can also do an individual stress test with you. This is how it determines your optimal training heart rate and your individual resilience. Together you put together a medication plan for training: It usually makes sense to inhale a bronchodilator medication before each workout.

You can also discuss with your doctor which sports are suitable for you. In general, endurance sports such as walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming are recommended. Moving relaxation techniques such as yoga or tai chi chuan also help to deepen breathing and to remain more relaxed in stressful situations.


What Have Happened to the Betas?

Every four years, the same argument is made: there are just too few scientists in the House of Representatives. Although, if politics is really too important to be left solely to the humanities and social sciences, why do so few engineers attend The Hague?

For several years, the number of MPs with technical backgrounds has been extremely low. Only just few MPs have completed a course at one of the technical universities or a technical college.

It’s absolutely empty in the cabinet. There is no science left in Course K after the resignation of Delft alumnus Eric Wiebes, who was previously Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate.


The probability of an increase in the number of engineers and other scientists after the upcoming parliamentary elections is nil. The betas are present, but only a portion of them are in a position to be considered.

Of course, the question is to what extent is negative thing. Scientists have many talents, but they are not really stronger politicians than the many gamma scientists that currently make up the majority of the House, ranging from public officials to political scientists and from lawyers to economists.


Technology plays an important role in each of the major tasks facing the coming cabinet. Energy transition, mobility, nitrogen: almost without exception, those who decide on it in The Hague are not specialists.

According to PvdA candidate Joris Thijssen ‘A Member of Parliament needs knowledge, so my technical education is in the right place.’

But it is even more important that members of parliament bring a passion for their profession. You have to get out of bed with a smile every day to do your best for the country again. ‘


Technology may not play a major role in the all-predominant corona file, but the abundance of calculations, models and graphs that may or may not be smoothing has reminded us of the fact that not all politicians automatically have the same degree of understanding of numbers. Relative and absolute numbers are used interchangeably and what exactly exponential growth is must also be recalculated over and over again.

Facts and figures no longer make much of an impression in politics. Beta politicians can probably read corona statistics better than many epidemiologists, but because they are now politicians, that professional knowledge is no longer relevant. Member of Parliament Eppo Bruins describes this shared feeling among engineer MPs as follows: ‘Even if I’m right, I don’t always get it.’


In the meantime, politics is too important to leave it to alphas and gamma’s, as Paul van Meenen describes it. Not only because all noises from society must also resonate in political The Hague, so also the voice of the technically educated.

But precisely because today’s issues are so complex. The climate issue requires knowledge of the latest technology. This is no different for the nitrogen problem, as well as for privacy protection and dealing with ‘Big Tech‘. Should the almighty corporations be dealt with or not? The development of artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, nuclear energy or not, you name it. The files require substantive knowledge; political impetus alone is not enough.

Of course It’s important that we have an understanding of political issues in order to appreciate what’s going on in the moment we’re in; similarly, when looking at products, you need to know how it benefits you, such as ‘Unslider,’ because here you can be confidently know about the tech products you will be needing in the feature.


How to Be an Internet Developer: The Complete Guide

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, net developers’ job is projected to increase around 8 percent until 2029 ‒ that is 4 percent faster than the average increase rate for different jobs. If you are considering working as a web programmer, there is no better time than today to give it a shot.

This guide will discover how to be a web programmer. You are going to learn about what this project offers, required skills, and its own perks and you should also use flutter app templates to improve your skills. We’ll also answer frequently asked questions and supply all pertinent information you might have to make your mind up.

What Do Online Programmers Do?

An internet programmer creates sites using different programming languages. Their responsibilities include designing site designs and creating website performance to cater to customers’ needs.

Occasionally as soon as the job is completed, a web developer might be tasked with keeping website functionality, performing upgrades, and assessing for specialized difficulties. Since net development covers a wide Selection of places, the business divides it into three specializations:

Front-end web developer

They’re accountable for site design, performance, along with other client-side components. A front-end web programmer’s objective is to earn a site visually attractive and completely interactive.

Back-end web developer

They care for the site’s infrastructure and server-side components. A backend net developer ensures that a site performs optimally and contains all of the necessary back-end performance.

Full-stack web developer

They cover the abilities of front-end and back-end developers in addition to masters multiple programming languages. A full-stack programmer also needs to know business logic, hosting and community environments, and consumer experience.

Advantages of Being a Web Developer

In the same way as any other job, being an internet developer has its own perks. If you are still unsure if getting a web developer is the perfect option.

Good Salary

The normal web developer salary in the United States is currently $74,742 annually, using an hourly rate of $36. The greater skills and expertise that you have, the greater the salary speed.

Lots of Job Opportunities

With the increasing need for digitized information, folks consider a site necessary, especially for a business enterprise. This also contributes to an increased need for skilled web developers.

Flexible Work Environment

As an increasing number of businesses transition to work in the house (WFH), this project provides you an opportunity to work remotely and determine your working hours. All you will need is a notebook and a fantastic online connection.

Continuous Self-Improvement

Working in a few of those fastest-growing businesses enables you to always find new information, be creative, and enhance problem-solving abilities. This work ethic advantages both your career and life.

Plenty of chances for unwanted web developer jobs. Lots of occupation marketplaces, such as Upwork and Freelancer, provide freelance web programmer jobs. Apart from making extra cash, being a freelancer web developer enables you to acquire work experience considerably quicker.

Programmers normally have a higher average salary speed compared to front-end developers because of the greater amount of duties and necessary programming abilities. The identical reason applies to full-stack programmers – their range of work covers both back-end and front-end development with each other, requiring a much more innovative skill set. Nevertheless, most companies continue to be available for discussion. Particularly if you’re a professional, then that is up-to-date with the most recent in-demand programming languages and computer science technologies.
